Swearing.......do you speak it?

SmallBeard said:
the title of the thread... Pulp Fiction? I thought so, but just to clarify!

Yep, that's the reference. I shoulda put (in my best Samuel L Jackson voice) in an earlier post there some how. Seemed like a good way to ask the question.
dodgy said:
SmallBeard said:
the title of the thread... Pulp Fiction? I thought so, but just to clarify!

Yep, that's the reference. I shoulda put (in my best Samuel L Jackson voice) in an earlier post there some how. Seemed like a good way to ask the question.

I read it in my best Samuel L Jackson voice if that's any consolation. Great film! And an excellent way to ask the question.
pugh-the-special-one said:
You missed your calling, I'm thinking social worker or catholic priest second thoughts I take back the catholic priest as they swear drink and they would fuck a frog if it stopped hopping.

If I could choose the life I pleased, then I would be a spaceman,
Take LSD and Ecstasy and get completely off my face man.

So C of E would probably be more the thing.
Only when I say "Fuck".
By way of explanation, as a rule I am quite moderate in my speech but have this regrettable tendancy to use the "F" word where someone else might say "intercourse" or "copulation".
Rather like the farmhand who could never be persuaded to use the word "Manure".
Re: RE: Swearing.......do you speak it?

BraveBlades said:
I'm in the forces - so erm yeah! We swear. But at the same time there is a time and a place. Many situations call for diplomacy , so like you I choose when and where is appropriate. I am more than capable of holding perfectly long and sometimes heated conversations without uttering a single swear word. So it really depends on the company im in

Ditto, except I'm not in the forces.
Do I swear? Oh fuck aye!

I quite appreciate and fully understand the argument which states that swearing is a vulgar symptom of a drastically reduced or somewhat stunted vocabulary, however, there are instances, woven throughout our intricately mapped lives, where no matter how expansive one's vocabulary is, a suitably polite or conventional word simply cannot match the potency or deliver the impact of a jolly good swear. After dropping a 3' x 2' British Standard paving slab on one's foot, try saying, "Oh my goodness, that was terribly painful". Somehow, "Ah yah bastard!", just seems far more appropriate and comforting.

Similarly, if you could imagine some bored, juvenile delinquent swiping a sizeable stick swiftly across your prize lupins thus causing instantaneous decapitation, you are hardly going to refer to said being as a "naughty little child". You may, of course, hold back from running out into your garden with a sizeable stick of your own shouting, "You, yah wee cunt, c'mere!", choosing instead to let your highly vociferous, apoplectic, canine companion out after the little scroat with an enraged cry of such unquantifiable fury as, "Toby, get the wee bastard and bite his fuckin' arse!"

Aye, I swear but only when it's absolutely bloody necessary.

P.S. if anyone catches you using the word, "bastard", politely explain to them that you were referring to the most aggressive variety of metal file and that the aforementioned, apparent swear word is the correct terminology to use.

SirPrize said:
Rather like the farmhand who could never be persuaded to use the word "Manure".

You know, I had absolutely no idea whatsoever that dung was a swear word. You live and learn....
I don't use swear words at home but when I'm with the Lads at Spurs a few profanities slip out!:blush:
But on a more serious note my Wife and I are Foster Carers and when you have a 10 year old in your house calling you a F**g C **T and telling you to F**k Off you realise the damage swearing can cause to youngsters exposed to it on a daily basis as that's the only way they can communicate their emotions,and although we are aware of this it doesn't make it any easier to hear:icon_sad:
My mother was once talking to the parent of some of the kids she taught at school, about behaviour and "language".
The mother replied "Ay there's only the babby as doesn't curse me an she's nowt but 18 months"
Gairdner said:
No, but I'll keep an eye out for it......;)

Heh, that's one of em. Lemme see if I can splain this other joke delicately.

It has to do with a prostitute with an eye made outta wood and her john, who has a facial issue.

The punch line is the guy saying excitedly "Would I"!! and the hooker misunderstanding what he meant, then gets pissed and yells 'Hairlip" back at him.

Heard that one?
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