SueZBana Cedarwood and Black Pepper Shaving Cream

Not one I'd heard much about before using it, but here's my summary:

Calling this a cream is a misnomer as it's firmer than most croaps and on a par with some products marketed as soaps, though obviously not as solid as a triple-milled soap. There's no way you can add this to a brush and face lather.

The exotic name is also misleading as it's made in the UK (by a company called Total Beauty). Their aim seems to be products made with only all-natural ingredients. That's perhaps why it says the product should be used within 12 months of opening — not something I have seen on any other soap or cream.

In terms of performance, slickness was a bit hit-and-miss and I struggled to get top-notch shaves. The results were by no means bad, but neither were they up to the best.

I liked the fragrance, though it wasn't something I longed for when I wasn't using it. Even then it's subtle to the point of being hard to detect.

So a solid performer available at a reasonable price, but it won't blow your socks off. Worth a go if you fancy trying something different but not one for the ‘must try' list, at lease in my opinion.

Full review here.
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