Stop pre-rinsing and let the dishwasher do its job

jb74 said:
Dishwashers use less water than washing by hand and a bit like washing machines they save money on the heating of the water as well

I think that might be an unqualified statement.

Your dishwasher might be heating water when you already have hot water e.g. solar panels.

How much water does a dish washer use versus washing by hand? The dishwasher doesn't know if it's washing 1 plate or 50 plates (contrived example, I know).

It all depends, but its certainly not definitive that they save water and/or electricity.

Daily Telegraph

I think the way to look at all these things is the bit where it says "on average" covers the extremes as well as the median. It saves having to write 8 pages of qualifying statements.
We have a dishwasher and there's two of us.

One of the best things I ever bought. We only run it when it's full (every two or three days), and it's saved the 20-30 minutes I used to spend at the bloody sink almost every night.

Wouldn't be without it.
Tall_Paul said:
We have a dishwasher and there's two of us.

One of the best things I ever bought. We only run it when it's full (every two or three days), and it's saved the 20-30 minutes I used to spend at the bloody sink almost every night.

Wouldn't be without it.

My thoughts exactly. We're just two and wouldn't be without our Miele.
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