Stop pre-rinsing and let the dishwasher do its job

Of course rinse the dishes before stacking the dishwasher! That way you can save up a full load and thus save power and water and ultimately save the entire planet single handedly. Male awareness and willingness to communicate is the answer to your dilemma, Peter - you know it's your fault and always will be because it always has been, ever since Adam took that bite!
Personally unless you are a large family or cooking for an army I totally fail to see the point in owning one, my Mother as one and I scratch my head in amazement as there is only two people who live in the house, is it that difficult to wash a few plates and some cutlery?
I never rinse, just scrape the worst of it away. A decent dishwasher takes care of it all, and isn't anything special. Rice is a pain but it collects in the filter which can easily be emptied.

But. if this thread is about settling an argument with your wife Fido I would suggest carrying on pre-rinsing if it makes her happy! :icon_razz:
pugh-the-special-one said:
Personally unless you are a large family or cooking for an army I totally fail to see the point in owning one, my Mother as one and I scratch my head in amazement as there is only two people who live in the house, is it that difficult to wash a few plates and some cutlery?

Since when did any of us stick to what we need? Particularly around here!

Rinsing (particularly of starch-rich) is a good thing... mashed potato can leave a pretty perfect, even frosting effect on everything.

As for "failing to see the point", horses for courses - chucking it in the dishwasher, letting it get get on with it and removing at a later juncture is a great thing. Further, given the energy and water efficiency of a current model, if you're on a water meter it will probably pay for itself in reduced water (usage) and water (heating) within a very short time. Added advantage is that my hands are even softer than my face now :)
pugh-the-special-one said:
Personally unless you are a large family or cooking for an army I totally fail to see the point in owning one, my Mother as one and I scratch my head in amazement as there is only two people who live in the house, is it that difficult to wash a few plates and some cutlery?


Household of 3 people, wash them by hand.
After owning our dishwasher for over 10 years I tried the 'pre-wash' setting for the first time last week. It does the rinse for you!
I haven't used it since though - couldn't handle the overhead of having to press TWO buttons to get clean dishes.
Dishwashers are great for many tasks, cleaning car & motorbike parts. Cleaning cycle components.
I put our extractor hood filter mesh in there as well ;)

The kids were less than impressed when I tried to get them in there :)
Dishwashers use less water than washing by hand and a bit like washing machines they save money on the heating of the water as well.
We don't have the room so I'm the dish washer, though occasionally the home care ladies act as a pre-wash/vague rinse; which would be more helpful if they didn't put it away afterwards.
Dishwashers use less water than washing by hand and a bit like washing machines they save money on the heating of the water as well

I think that might be an unqualified statement.

Your dishwasher might be heating water when you already have hot water e.g. solar panels.

How much water does a dish washer use versus washing by hand? The dishwasher doesn't know if it's washing 1 plate or 50 plates (contrived example, I know).

It all depends, but its certainly not definitive that they save water and/or electricity.
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