Still missing commands from last board's incarnation

Sheffield, UK
To the board's powers that be (IE: boab & co.): I really, really, really, really miss the simple, non-numbered, non-bulleted 'list' command, as well as the still not re-placed 'strikeout' command.

Will they be returned soon? ... or even at all?

... just asking, is all.
hunnymonster said:
Urban Hermit said:
To the board's powers that be (IE: boab & co.): I really, really, really, really miss the simple, non-numbered, non-bulleted 'list' command, as well as the still not re-placed 'strikeout' command.

Will they be returned soon? ... or even at all?

... just asking, is all.

Strikeout is missing? Who knew?

  • And you
    • can still
      • indent list stuff
There is a center align​

 Strikethrough has always worked with the S tags [s][/s]
Thanks muchly fellows.

I tried manually to insert the s, /s squared brackets, but it just showed the commands, not the strikeout text. That was soon after the new board started up though.

... and I've been manually typing in the list, /list commands too. If I hit the tab button, it doesn't indent, it just puts the cursor out of the box, so there must be a designated indent command that my brain has missed registering/remembering. I shall search it out.
Urban Hermit said:
... and I've been manually typing in the list, /list commands too. If I hit the tab button, it doesn't indent, it just puts the cursor out of the box, so there must be a designated indent command that my brain has missed registering/remembering. I shall search it out.

Jeltz demonstrated it above... I see indents by virtue of list tags - I wish I didn't because it's a pain in the butt to read, but that's just my opinion :)
Urban Hermit said:
Jeltz said:
  • I can't
    • really
      • see
        • The
          • trouble
            • myself

          • Me

      • either.

... but I don't quite comprehend "see indents by virtue of list tags"; sorry.

You quoted Jeltz's post in which he used list tags in [] to generate indents. Unless I'm missing something you can see the effect of the list tags (indents) and by virtue of quoting you can see how it was done.
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