Steak every saturday with Tarragon butter.

Tuesday February 8, 2011
Every saturday come rain or shine I cook the Wife and I a fillet steak with Tarragon butter new potatoes and pea's, well my Wife as always had a wicked sense of humor and saw the funny side of this plate of food I served up.


Jeltz said:
Hilarious, that many peas! How could anyone ever eat so many! :D

Pea's are full of potassium Nic, PS on another note Nic remember the chap who was wedged between the narrow lane along side your shop, strange thing I was flicking through my local paper and realised the guy lives just around the corner from me, he was fined £80 and had his license endorsed.

^^ That's exactly what the bespectacled gentleman above would have said at a frankly too early hour on a Sunday evening in about 1984. Probably along with the words "madam", "carrot", "amusingly contoured", "root", "helmet" and "Scunthorpe".

Those were the halcyon days of root vegetable / penis and testes comparison. You couldn't buy that now.
antdad said:
I can just hear Esther now..."ladies and gents send us pictures of your bits if they look like vegetables"

Wasn't it Baldrick who not only had a turnip shaped like a 'thingy' but also had a 'thingy' that was exactly the same shape as a turnip?

hunnymonster said:
Pig Cat said:
antdad said:
Esther would be proud.

As proud as that potato.

Exactly - it's only at (best) half lob.

Mind you - if your tadger looks like a King Edward...

Mine is less King Edward and more Prince Albert. :blush: :icon_razz:
hunnymonster said:
I think Baldrick & Percy found it whilst preparing the banquet for the Whiteadders... then Baldrick confessed to having a thingy shaped like a turnip.

Yep, that was it. They both found it very amusing. It turned up at table by mistake and Mr Whiteadder liked it very much. :icon_razz:
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