SOTD : Saturday 30th December 2017 - Friday 5th January 2018.

Sotd - 2/1/18

Razor - Cobra Classic
blade - Proline (4)
brush - Semogue 1305
soap - Williams Ice Menthol Spanish cream
post - witch hazel
a/s - Myrsol Formula K
blam - Myrsol Emulsion.

Result - fantastic I feel human again.

Taking off at least a week's growth. I hadn't grown it in by design more that I got sick on the 30th and tonight's shave is the longest I have been out of bed in the interim. Asleep by 9 o'clock on Hogmanay - I think this is actually a criminal offense in Scotland unless you are dead. So - a nice healthy restorative menthol shave to help the recovery process. Which it has no end - my nose isn't blocked any more that's for goddam sure. The one surprise was that the Proline was distinctly tuggy on the first pass - granted only under my lower lip - where my beard is the toughest. Maybe it was asking a lot of any blade with this amount of beard but it has been nothing other than silken in the Cobra up until now. Who knows. Anyway - albeit belatedly - I wish you all a very happy new year to you and yours - with my best regards - I.

Oh - I would like to second what @Blackmass said a few days ago in thanking those of you that take the time to post your shaves, pics, impressions, results and reviews on this thread. If ever I'm stuck for inspiration for a shave I look at others sotd posts. We are also blessed with having some very fine photographers in our midst. As Rob said - thank you all. Keep up the good work.
Good to have you back Iain and glad to hear you're on the mend.
All the best for 2018.
SOTD: 020118
View attachment 32205

Blade: Gem SS #4
Razor: Gem MMOC
Brush: Anbbas Boar
Soap: B&M Cologne Russe
Post: Thayers Witch Hazel Lavender
EDT: 4711

First time use of this soap and I am so pleased with it. A beautiful scent throughout and beyond the shave. Really rich thick lather that face lathered wonderfully with the Annbas Boar.
It is still in its breaking in period but it is performing superbly.

A lovely comfortable 2 pass smooth shave.
Enjoy yours! :)
That is a really good photo - nice work.
Pre: Proraso Pre Barba green
Brijač: Merkur Progress
Lamica: Polsilver Super Iridium
Sapun: GospodAn Patchouli/Cedar/Sandalwood sample
ÄŒetka: Stirling 2-band Synthetic
Bowl: Fine Shaving Bowl
Post: Lucky Tiger Aftershave & BBA Post Shave Balm

The soap is from a small soap maker lady from Croatia, usually does face/bath soaps but her shaving soaps are quite good. I would like the scent to be stronger but performance wise it's really good and cheap.

Wednesday 3rd January

Olive Oil Soap
RSC Facial Scrub
Vitos Preshave Cream
Vitos Green Soap
Semogue 1250 Boar Brush
Feather AC SS (Japanese Style) with a Feather SuperPro Blade
Alum Block and Rinse
Arko Classic Cream
Denim Original AS

Two passes and a touchup for a great BBS shave:)
Hope everyone up North remains safe during the storm. My ex wife is called I can sympathise!
Wed 3rd Jan
RazoRock Syn. 24mm
P & B Spitfire
ES Claymore V1
Schick Proline [ 9 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Tuff Red A/S Lotion

With reduced stubble from yesterdays superb Shave with the ATT SE1, I had a good start for todays
Shave. Now that I have changed the original handle on the Claymore, I feel more confident when using it around the neck. Aided by the usual slick lather from the P & B, I really enjoyed what was
a nice easy smooth Shave , with the bonus of an excellent close all round finish.

Rather a shame that outings on the AC/Gems do not yield the same results, but the ones I have tried are just too mild for me, though with the aid of a Shim the ATT SE G1 seems a lot better. I ought really take it out again to test its performance.

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