SOTD: Saturday 3 - Friday 9 December 2022.

North East.UK

SOTD: 3rd December 2022.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Nivea Men Power Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face & head.
Palmolive Naturals Olive & Milk Bar Soap.
Brush: Semogue 830.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Haslinger Aloe Vera Shaving Soap.
Razor: (Face) Merkur 37C. - Gillette Wilkinson sword. (Saloon Pack) (D1)
Razor: (Head/Dome) Schick G type Injector - Personna PTFE SS Injector. (D2)

Cold water face & head wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face & Head Rinse. /Alum Rub. /Cold Water face & head rinse. /Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. / Cien X-Bolt ASL + Aloe Vera Body Lotion.


(Face & Head Shave.)

A new shave set up to start the weekend.

I won't deny the fact that I have a great fondness for Indian made shaving products. The Gillette Wilkinson sword (saloon pack) blades are another no frills honest to blades from the subcontinents they do the job they were designed to do and do it reasonably well i find these blades aren't the sharpest but are very smooth durable and have been consistent and i haven't had any intermittent quality problems with them to date.

As i have a vast amount of various subcontinent blades i will carry only using them for two shaves max then change to another brand to continue with my revisited subcontinent blade focus. The GWS paired up wonderfully with the Merkur 37C making a mild smooth efficient duo.

The Schick G Type Injector performed wonderfully mowing through my head/dome stubble with ease.

The Haslinger Aloe Vera soap provided is such a great performing nice mild fragranced shaving soap which my mature skin loves and creates a good lather in a short space of time leaving a superb post shave feel.

A close comfortable face & head shave with errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Cien Aloe Vera Body Lotion

My face & precious swede are feeling smooth & smelling divine. ;)

Enjoy the start of the weekend, ladies & gentlemen. :cool:
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Sat 3
Soap & Aftershave Southern Witchcraft Samhain
Brush Spiffo Manchurian
Razor Friedr Herder Abr Sohn 77
Super creamy lather from the soap with a pleasant scent augmented by the matching splash. The brush is just amazing...super soft! Today's shave with this excellent razor was just awesome! The edge was keenly crisp, smooth, and comfortable after stroping on the 0.1 balsa & Kanayama (still not confident to refresh on stones). 3passes for an improved dfs-ccs finish...
RazoRock SS Hawk V3 OC / Schick Proline / Simpson Trafalgar T3 Synth / A&E Ouddiction Shaving Soap & AS

SOTD 03-Dec
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Brush: C&H 'Manga'
Soap: Black Watch
Razor: WR2 1.25
Blade: GSB (1)
Post: Black Watch AS

New delivery from maggards, Black Watch and Sea Spice Lime sets, that was bloody swift, an extra $2 dollars on delivery made a considerable difference.

First up the Black Watch, initial impressions off the puck was nice but it wasn't the hit I was expecting considering the things I had read about it being strong, but it is subjective so can't wholly rely. Under lathering the scent did come out and it is really nice, nice autumn/winter scent. I'd seen some notes that the lather was 'sticky' and they pretty much had to peel it off so I was a little wary, however the consistency of the initial loading seemed very similar to PAA and with that you just add more water than you think and it comes together, and this appeared to be the case here as well, ended up with a decent lather. Still prefer omnibus, but it was good for me.

On with the splash, one of the scents seems more predominant than in the soap but I wasn't able to put my finger on it. I'll probably pass it by the Mrs' nose to see if can tell me.

Overall very happy, I'm really looking forward to giving the lime a try, initial scent off the tub was amazing so as long as it lathers (I think its a different base) then I'm pretty sure it'll be a winner!

Hope everyone has a grand weekend.


Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - Alpha Outlaw Titanium V1 Synth
Soap - Arran soap Co. Lochranza
Razor - Blackland Dart
Blade - Vintage Perma-sharp Supreme
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Arran soap Co. Lochranza
A/S - Arran soap Co. Lochranza
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Another very close shave this morning from 2 passes, i was actually contemplating not using the planned Dart as it is probably the most unforgiving "safety" razor i have. I went with it anyway, fitted with a vintage Perma-sharp it is usually OK.
I really like the scent of the Arran sets i have and today an easy lather full of slickness and protection was whipped up on the chops in no time.
2 very mindful passes, ensuring i was on my game the whole time produced another really close shave, finishing with a rub of the Arran balm and splash of the matching EDT (no indication at all today), leaving me feeling clean, fresh and ready for the day ahead.
My legs are not too bad this morning, however, the DOMS "repair" burn is starting.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Sat 3rd December

Stirling Syn 26mm
Ever Ready 1912- Bathroom Set
Gem S/S ( 3 )
GB Grey Flannel A/S Lotion

A very nice change of rotation today, as I chose to use an ER 1912-Bathroom set. A very nice satisfying Shave as with a great lather the Shave was smooth and comfortable , with a good finish.
Just done a check and realise just how cheap this rather excellent brush is. The Stirling Syn is as good as more expensive brushes I have used, and has soft tips and good density works a treat with MWF.


SOTD: 03/12/2022

Razor: Shield Avenger
Blade: Feather Pro, 7th use
Brush: Yaqi Purple Haze
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Stirling Shadow Orchid Puck
Balm: L’Oréal All In 1 Moisturising Cream Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block
Fragrance: Tom Ford Black Orchid Eau de Toilette

While the Vector was fresh in my mind I wanted to retry the equally new Shield Avenger. I still love its design and weight/balance but the first pass felt less efficient than I remembered. This kind of continued throughout the shave but was misleading as the result was the newly familiar glass like BBS finish. The blade was the same and has had the same uses so I guess the best way to describe the difference is between the two razors is how effortlessly efficient the Shield Avenger is, where as the Vector is more clinical and requires more thought. You can easily pick up the Shield and get great results in a hurry, without thinking. You can get marginally maybe better results from the Vector but it’s requires more thought. I guess the Shield is great in the week when I’m at work and the Vector for the weekend when I need a little more time.
Regardless I love them both!
Have a great weekend guys.
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