SOTD Saturday 22th Aug to Friday 28th Aug 2015


Evening, chaps.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Super Max Blue Diamond(1)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Mama Bear's Green Irish Tweed
Cologne: Mama Bear's Green Irish Tweed

Synthetic Brush
OSP soap
Vintage Travel Razor
GSB (4)
Superdrug Sierran Breeze

Quite a shiny old razor is this one. Quite mild though.
Saturday evening's relaxing shave.
Palmolive stick, grated
VirginiaSheng 26mm purtech
Bowl lathered & mentholated
ER 1912 & Gem SS #5
Rinse, Alum rub, Cold rinse
Alcolado Glacial / Witch Hazel mix 3:1
Lacura Aqueous Cream moisturiser (Aldi, 500g tub £1.99)

Another great SE shave. 3 pass BBS
How far will this blade go?
SOTN - Saturday evening
Pre: RazoRock menthol/lime soap
Soap: JF Martin "Frozen Forest"
Brush: 'Mystery' 22mm/48mm Gen-4 synthetic (Production model testing)
Razor: Ikon DLC OC w/OSS handle
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock black (2)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel with 444 menthol, followed by Myrsol Formula-C
Wow, it was hot today in the UK! Hit about 30C with high humidity. Heavy on the menthol today.
This brush is fantastic. Long-term testing continues but I already know it's a keeper.
Sunday 23 August 2015


Mastro Livi CarboInox Kamisori, 7/8 and Mastro Livi Italian Brush

The more I use Mastro Livi CarboInox razors, the more I like them. I have three Mastro Livi CarboInox razors in my collection and they all are superb shavers. Not to mention this beautiful kamisori, adding the well known efficiency of a kamisori to the excellence of CarboInox. For this shave, I also wanted to use my newest Mastro Livi "Pennello Italiano" brush with its soft and high quality silvertip badger loft with very dense hair, which worked my shaving soap to perfection for a super luxurious, creamy, rich and very slicky lather. The kamisori easily glided on my skin while giving me a super smooth and deep shave. Men, what a stunning sunday shave!​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: RazorGuy Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Mastro Livi "Italian Brush" Silvertip Badger, Multi-wood handle, 24 mm knot
  • Bowl: Gebry Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi CarboInox Kamisori, 7/8
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Floïd Black
Bit of an odd one today.
Started off with Seifenglatt Ceret and Feather blade on its second outing...
After mixing a nice lather and applying it, about 3 strokes in I realised why I hate Feather blades, rough as a bears arse! So whilst swapping to a Platinum Lux, I then noticed a tingling sensation beginning to start on my face. Quickly washed the Seifenglatt off and started again with the Fat = AWESOME again!

Omega 49
iKon Deluxe OC
Rapira Platinum Lux [1]
Proraso Green AS

Resulting shave - superb...
SOTD 23/8/15

Hot Towel
Rock Face Facial Scrub
Truefitt & Hill 1805 Cream / MWF SUPER LATHER
Body Shop Synthetic
The Raptor Shavette
Gillette 7 o'clock Yellow (2)
Cold Towel
Woodspice Amber


Today I decided to superlather MWF and 1805 cream. The 1805 scent was very subtle (I used a peasized amount in the mix), but the effect on the lather was very noticeable. Mixed it nice and wet as I was using the Raptor shavette again today. The lather felt slicker to me, and helped the razor glide nicely over the skin, with no weepers today. I did nick my chin as I got a little cocky and sped things up when I really shouldn't have. That said, the shave was much smoother today than yesterday. The Woodspice Amber gave a nice post shave feel and scent.

Result? 4/5. Time will allow me to develop a better technique and a closer shave with the shavettes I have in my arsenal.
Feather SS Club....:eek:

Feather SS Club...Early days with the SS...This was my 4th shave today with it using a Feather Pro Blade...I had to change the blade towards the end of my shave...I used a Kai Captain Titan Blade to finish.... It done the job, but I didn't like it....I have sent for some Feather Pro Supers....They have a larger blade exposure....The Kai Blade offered me a cut today under the chin...Could have been worse, but the Feathers give you more warning ....Looking forward to the Pro Supers....o_O

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