SOTD Saturday 19th November to Friday 25th November 2016

Friday July 1, 2016
North East.UK
SOTD: 19th November 2016.
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: warm shower:/Cein (Green Kick) Shower Gel & Shampoo. / warm wet flannel to my face.


3 Drops of Wilkinsons Shaving Oil: / Fruits: Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Razor: Parker 98R.

Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword Saloon Pack.(New)

Brush: Omega S10065 Synthetic.

Cream: Boots Freshwood. + 4 drops of Glycerine in the mixing bowl.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Lavender oil & Witch Hazel mixture./ Boots Freshwood. A/S.

Boots Freshwood Aftershave Balm.

A new set up to start the weekend..first time use of the Boots Freshwood brushless cream & the Gillette wilkinson Sword saloon pack blades..the cream took a while to create a good lather, it's quite watery at first i had to add a few more almond size drops to the mixing bowl before it lathered up,..The Gillette wilkinson sword S.P. blades which i've had for a quite a while but haven't used were excellent, i hand-stropped the blade before fitting it into my Parker 98R,.wasn't sure if it had a few burrs.. all in all, a superb 3 pass silky smooth shave with no errors to new pre-shave shaving oil/ body butter is a wonderful addition to my shaving routine.
Feeling refreshed to start a frosty weekend.
Enjoy your day,gentlemen.;)
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Morris & Forndran Style 1 Size 3 shaving brush / Wickham Soap Co. 1912 Irish Fern shaving soap / Timor inox. 1353 safety razor + Treet Kala / Myrsol Agua Balsámica aftershave lotion

November 19, 2016​
Wolfman WR-01 Ti OC with Hempel Ti​
Personna 74 (21)​
“Los Tres Amigos Dos” CH 2 Synthetic LE​
Route 66 Rum Runner​
Witch Hazel​

This morning was the 21st shave on the vintage Personna 74 blade. I still managed to get a smooth DFS shave. I am sure I could push the blade for a few more shaves but at this point I am satisfied with the experiment. I have one more 74 blade so I will do another such run in the future. I hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday.
Crabtree and Evelyn West Indian limes,
Crown king synthetic,
Vostok-3 space kosmos 5/8,
Nivea after shave balm,
Dragon man EDT,

Nice Saturday morning shave, it seems much easier than when I started straight shaving not that many weeks ago, even when I do manage to nick myself now, it's a non event, with no attention needed, the Russian Vostok is a great razor, I am assuming that it's 50's or 60's, but it was new old stock,
Dragon man, what can I say, bought because I liked the name, but a great smell as well.



Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Friodur Henckels Solingen 7/8th
Kent BK2 Pure Badger
Valobra Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I had a Real Comfortable Shave this Morning with My Friodur 7/8th..A Scary Mary Sharp Edge on this Stainless Blade SR & Oh so Comfortable with a Very Light Touch..Oh.Man..What a Belter of a Shave..;)

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D

Sat 19th Nov

RazoRock Plissoft 24mm
OSP Bay Rum
PAL Injecto Matic
Schick S/S [10 - Japan ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Lea Classic A/S

Having just had 10 Top Quality shaves with a Modern S/S Se Razor/ Blade [ Claymore/ Feather Pro Guard], I made a slightly nervous return to Vintage Injectors. Using a PAL Injecto Matic which also had 10 Blade uses , I was pleasantly
surprised how the Shave went. Not quite as smooth and close as with the Claymore, but generally very good. Just goes to show that by concentrating and using a light touch it is possible to get a good shave with any of your favourite razors , New Or Old. Tomorrow a "Streamline".

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