SOTD: Saturday 15 - Friday 21 October 2022


Thought I'd start out the week with a Nacet loaded gold Tech. This one is a bit milder than the flat bottomed one that I would say would be my go-to.

I've still had a bloody good shave though!

C&H Locale is better now I know to overload it slightly and keep my face pretty wet, scrub, then paint it on. Signature performance, superb as usual.

Super start to the day


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17 October

PAA Future Fiction
Yaqi Heavy Metal
Feather AS-D1
Feather Hi-Stainless
Bart’s Balm Ben Kilbreck

Yes, I know I said I was putting the Feather razor away after a disappointing shave on it’s last outing, but, the outstanding shaves that I had from the Ikon Deluxe last week made me want to try this razor again. With a fresh Feather blade the AS-D1 is ever so mild, almost as if there was no blade at all, but unbelievably efficient. A wonderful two pass shave was the result. The lather was immense too. I don’t know what I did wrong the last time I used it, the stars were certainly not aligned. Let’s see how it performs on day three.
Mon 17 SOTD
Soap Stirling Iced Pineapple
Brush Yaqi 24mm Cavern Lake 2 Band Badger
Razor Gillette Slim N4
Blade Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless 3rd
Aftershave Stirling Iced Pineapple Splash
The ever-reliable and very good combination of soap, brush, and aftershave...just satisfying!
Equally satisfying was the shave with this vintage razor paired with the blade. Easy smooth and efficient at max setting in 3passes for a bbs finish...
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - Simpson Duke 2 Best Badger
Soap - OSP Dark Matter
Razor - Blackland Sabre L1
Blade - GEM PTFE S/S
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tonyschin's Cedarwood and Patchouli Argan Oil and Balm
A/S - Geoffrey Beene Bowling Green
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Great shave as always with the Sabre.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Razor: Razorock Hawk V3

Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink SE, 6th use

Brush: Razorock Italian Barber Synthetic

Bowl: Captains Choice Heavyweight Copper Bowl

Preshave: Proraso Blue Prebeard Cream

Soap: Palmolive Cream

Aftershave: Fine Barber Blue Aftershave

Balm: Proraso Blue Balm

Additional Care: Shave Tunes Courtesy Of The Rat Pack Additional Care: Wife Sniff Test = Not Too Bad At All

This weeks theme is long forgotten. Like many on here I have loads of soap that doesn't really get to see the light of day over my favourites. So this week I am starting from the back of the cupboard and working forwards.

Today is the turn of Palmolive cream. Cheap as chips and I love the smell. Always a good performer the only thing it lacks is residual slickness but for this price who can complain.


Pre - Palmolive Refreshing
Soap - Derby Stick
Brush - Yaqi Plissoft 22mm
Razor - Souplex Bakelite
Blade - Astra Superior Stainless (1)
Post - Witch Hazel
AS - Williams Aqua Velva

My collection of blades is now so large, I think it has grown sentient and started collecting blades for it's own pleasure. I've bought a number of Astra SP's over the years, but I can't remember buying any Astra SS's, as I found a tuck lurking in the DE blade shoebox I have placed my blades (they are in air tight zip lock bags, I'm not a monster) and gave one a go for today's shave. The Souplex Bakelite DE razor might be the most mild razor I own, and the Astra SS and it was a very comfortable shave even if it wasn't the closest.
I dug out my neglected 22mm Yaqi Plissoft brush, which at times I had considered to be too small. Even with a light amount of the Derby Shaving Stick I had an easy 3 passes worth of lather for my shave, even though I just did a 2 pass shave. I posted up in another thread I was thinking of adding another synthetic shaving and I'm questioning whether to choose a smaller brush (possibly 20mm?) to the current rotation of brushes, which the others are 24mm and larger.
I finished the shave with a few splashes of Williams Aqua Velva, which I bought several years ago then put it it away and forgot about it and I've only really started using it recently. The scent is a fairly neutral marine style one, but it feels great on the skin.

Have a good start to the week gents.

SOTD 20221017.

PREP "Original Formula" pre-shave cream.
J&T® ebony / OUMO Brush SHD G5 SYN knot.
TDS "Cream: notes of native lilac" shaving soap.
Vintage G.I.&Co razor / custom handle.
Lord Classic (1).
Clubman Pinaud "Lilac Vegetal" ASL.

Prep: Country Life Tallow/Lanolin/Glycerin Soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Simpson Diamond Jubilee Manchurian Badger
Soap: Creed Green Irish Tweed
Razor: Wolfman WR2
Blade: Vintage NOS Gillette 'Aussie Spoiler' (2)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Myrsol Blue Aftershave Lotion
Scent: D. R. Harris Mayfair EdC

Put the Jubilee brush to the test with an ultrahard triple-milled soap. It came through with flying colours.
A truly splendid shave.
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