SOTD: Saturday 11 February - Friday 17 February 2023


Staff Member
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - AP400 Slim Synbad 22mm
Soap - HWF #1 Patchouli & Cedarwood
Razor - Focus R28
Blade - 7 o' Clock PS Green
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tonyschin's Cedarwood and Patchouli Argan Oil and Balm
A/S - Signature Soap Danum
Wk 07 (1).JPG
Early nights just don't work for me, i was up at 3.30am this morning, after a cup of tea i decided on an early shave while trying to be quiet so Mrs TC was not disturbed.
A nice enough 2 pass shave has left me with a fine finish, although i can feel a little irritation on the left-hand jawline, my angle was a little off. The half-blade just managed to get through its second 2 pass shave - not bad really. The Focus is a really nice shavette and the best of all the half-blade ones i have tried.
Right then, what can i do next - quietly.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.

SOTD: 11th February 2023.


Shaving Recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face & head.
Pears Original Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Lider Turkish Boar.
Face & Head Lather.
Lather: Arko Shave Stick.
Razor: Merkur 39C Slant. (Face) - Ninja Stainless. (D1)
Razor: Gem Featherweight. Pre-1954 (Head/Dome) - Personna Gem PTFE. (D2.)

Cold water face & head wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face & Head Rinse./Alum Rub. / Cold Water Face & Head Rinse. / Boots Cucumber Facial Toner. /Yelken Lemon Eau de Cologne. /Boots Cucumber Moisturising Lotion.

A new shave set up to start the weekend...Another smooth efficient performance from the with the Merkur 39C slant / Ninja Stainless duo.
The Lider Turkish boar brush i soaked in tepid water for 5 minutes, after a quick squeeze to release the excessive water it building up a wonderful lather on both my face & head- adding water to the tips of the brush until i got the consistency of which i like.

A close comfortable face and head shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Boots Cucumber Moisturising Lotion.

My face & precious swede are feeling super smooth & smelling divine. ;)

Stay safe, and enjoy the start of the weekend ladies & gentlemen. :cool:

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Sat 11
Soap Phoenix & Beau Imperial Rum
Brush Yaqi 24mm Mountain Lake 2 Band Badger
Razor Joseph Rodgers 5/8
Aftershave Clubman Gents Gin
Soap's scent and lather were great! The excellent brush whips it into a creamy and slick lather. AS is very good but too bad not lasting...Nice smooth shave from this razor. 3passes for a dfs-sas finish...
Saturday 11th February
GEM Junior - GEM Stainless Coated #6 - Alpha T400 - OSP Sicilian Lemon Grove Cream - Osmanli Lemon Cologne - Aloe Vera Gel

1969 Gillette Super Adjustable
Shark SS (3rd outing)
St James Preshave Oil
Omega Boar Brush
Truefit and Hill Trafalgar Cream
Brut AS

Decided to master this old girl today. The aim is a close, 2 pass shave with no irritation.


Nice hot wash and soak, followed by the preshave oil. Face lathering. Razor up to 8 to make sure it gets the job done. 1st pass WTG. Very good. Hot wash and soak followed by another face lathering. 2nd pass ATG and a little tidying. Very close and smooth. A cold wash with the squeezings from the brush, followed by a cold soak and a drying off. A good splash of Brut and.......

Job Done
! I knew there was a good shave in this razor. I just had to work her out. As usual, for me, the key is to set it up to remove as much possible in as few a strokes as possible. And prepare well.

The result after two passes is comfortable, close and with minimal stinging from the AS. It's not as clean or smooth as my go-to R41s, but it is as close to them as anything else has got. Now I've nailed it this one will probably only pop out now and then for a bit of a change. It was bought as my birth year razor, rather than a daily tool.

Glad I've mastered it though. No point in a razor that doesn't shave...

View attachment 100444

1969 Gillette Super Adjustable
Shark SS (3rd outing)
St James Preshave Oil
Omega Boar Brush
Truefit and Hill Trafalgar Cream
Brut AS

Decided to master this old girl today. The aim is a close, 2 pass shave with no irritation.

View attachment 100445

Nice hot wash and soak, followed by the preshave oil. Face lathering. Razor up to 8 to make sure it gets the job done. 1st pass WTG. Very good. Hot wash and soak followed by another face lathering. 2nd pass ATG and a little tidying. Very close and smooth. A cold wash with the squeezings from the brush, followed by a cold soak and a drying off. A good splash of Brut and.......

Job Done! I knew there was a good shave in this razor. I just had to work her out. As usual, for me, the key is to set it up to remove as much possible in as few a strokes as possible. And prepare well.

The result after two passes is comfortable, close and with minimal stinging from the AS. It's not as clean or smooth as my go-to R41s, but it is as close to them as anything else has got. Now I've nailed it this one will probably only pop out now and then for a bit of a change. It was bought as my birth year razor, rather than a daily tool.

Glad I've mastered it though. No point in a razor that doesn't shave...

View attachment 100446
I have one of these that's also a birth year razor and I had trouble getting the hang of it as first.
I think the long handle was the issue for me.
I can get a decent shave from it now but still prefer my mk1 adjustable (Fatboy) for its head design and handle length and thickness. Plus there are no plastic bits.

The thing that's stopping me using my Super Adjustable most is worrying about that black coating (anodised?) chipping away.
I could paint it if that happens but wanted to keep it original because it is my birth year razor.
SOTD 11-Feb
Brush: DG B15
Soap: MWF
Razor: Blackland Tradere
Blade: Rubie (1)
Post: Thayers Rose & HDP 1899

Decent enough shave this morning, had to tag on a scent to the back end, just felt like something a little different. The lather wasn't the best, I underloaded and over soaked the brush. My own fault, I forget the density occasionally on this one.

Still smooth and smelling good!

Hope everyone has a grand day!


Saturday February 11, 2023
Razor: La Faulx AC SE
Blade: Schick Proline
Brush: Lutin Lightning/Badger
Soap: Areffa Steel Credo
AS 1: Witch Hazel
AS 2: Ethos Blood Orange SFS
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,559

This soap base with the bear tallow was why I placed another order and this is a nice bright scent. It's light but there to enjoy. It came with a slight animalistic note I've heard about with other artisans in the past and so left it sit lid off for a couple nights which cleared it out and left the pleasant scent it is fter the base scent wifted off. Nice easy lather that had everything needed to have a great shave. I especially like how cleanly it seems to rinse off when done.

1st run with the La Faux with a Schick Proline installed. Loading the blade was easy and no issues with it accepting a proline blade as some AC SE's do. I don't think the issue lies with the blades manufacturing stamps changing as some have eluded to and glad to see an SE razor that accepts these as many have it as a preferred blade. Drop onto the pins of the top cap and set the baseplate down onto it and thread the handle on. The titanium has a nice weight to it and comfortable on the skin. I found the shave to be mild feeling but got the job done. Looking forward to some more shaves with this new to the market razor now available made to order in a number of metals. Have a great day everyone !

SOTD 20230211 Blasone by IschiaPP @ Forio
  • Brush: Bat71 Cashmere, Olive Wood, Abalone Shell Inlay,
    Yaqi SK07 aka Maggard Beige, 24x50x115mm
  • Soap: Erasmic Shaving Stick 50g / Weleda Rasiercreme
  • Razor: FrankenRazor PP1489
    Edwin Jagger DE89 / Maggard Razors MR14
    Zamak, Aluminium, 12x41x100mm, 56g (29/27)
  • Blade: Bolzano Super Inox #4
  • After: Weleda Rasierwasser Vor und Nach
  • Frag: Myrurgia Flor de Blasón EDT Vapo
#Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
#ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan
#Test #3017 #ShavingSoap #WIP
SOTD February 11. 2023

Pre - A shower followed by Glycerine rubbed into stubble
Razor - Blackland Blackbird Ti
Blade - Astra SP
Soap - MWF & Glycerine
Brush - Alpha Bulldog silvertip
Post - Refinery ASB
Frag - YSL Kouros edt

A lovely close but smooth shave, 5ml of Glycerine mixed into the lather making a thick glossy stable lather.
The Blackbird fitted with the Astra SP worked well together and left me with a super smooth and supple finish.
The Refinery ASB was the perfect finish to a perfect shave!
YSL Kouros is one of my favourite Edts and I find I'm using it more often than my others.

Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.

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