SOTD Sat 9th Feb - Fri 15th Feb 2013 (one of several?)


Tuesday 12th February 2013
Prep: Shower
Razor: PAL Injecto-matic
Blade: Personna Stainless Coated
Brush: Vulfix 404 Mixed
Soap: Tabac stick grated into a container
Aftershave: Simple Balm

Ultra close shave, but one weeper, something I have not had for months, unquestionably caused by recklessness.

The Injecto-matic IMHO (like the Schick E types) is quite an aggressive razor which is easy to forget because it is so light maneuverable and easy to use. It needs to be treated with a little bit of care and attention.

Emulsión Myrsol
MÜHLE Silvertip Fibres 21mm
Merkur 39c Slant + Astra verde 1#
La Toja stick
AS HBG Vermont


Have a nice day!​
Morning, gents.


Prep: Claus Porto Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Åžik Bay
Blade: Laser Ultra from Wilkos (1)
Brush: Ecotools Bamboo Finishing Kabuki brush
Shave cream: Erasmic
A/S: Peshana's Bay Rum
Cologne: Giorgio

Thought I'd try a few challenging shaves with the Lasers in the ultra-cheap plastic razor (pronounced Shick By, I think) thrown in as a freebie from a Bestshave order. I checked the blade angles and all and it really is an aggressive little thing. So a vee-eery careful and light-handed shave gave me a fully smooth, painless face with a small amount of irritation at the bottom of the neck which is now long gone.

Pretty much a thumbs up.

Pre hot towel + Proraso sandal red soap + Frank Shaving Finest + Pearl open comb with Super Flash #1 + Dino Gaetan splash with GFT Skinfood Sandalwood + Vie&Long alum stick

First use of this Pearl razor! It shaves really well but I must train a bit with it, as I had some nicks... fortunately easily fixable with some alum.

going back to basics here - i've tried too many blades so i'm sticking to polsilvers SIs for the foreseeable future

Polsiver SI (1)
Proraso red
barbershop bay rum
boots freshwood AS balm

Feel's good man :)
Tuesday 02-12-13.


Soap from Aleppo - Morris & Forndran blonde badger 28X56 - Feather all stainless - 7 O'clock amarilla #4 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Vitto's - Alum block - Thayers Original - ASB Yatch Man - ASL Yatch Man.
Prep: Cold water face wash
Soap: MWF
Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Best
Razor: Polished Weber/Bulldog handle
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (1)
A/S: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Weleda After Shave Balm
EDT: Penhaligon's Sartorial

Second day trying cold water shaving. For me it certainly is no worse than using hot water. Face doesn't feel flushed when done and if there's any difference at all it might be a slightly closer shave (although that could be in my head!)
FrankieG said:
Prep: Cold water face wash
Soap: MWF
Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Best
Razor: Polished Weber/Bulldog handle
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (1)
A/S: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Weleda After Shave Balm
EDT: Penhaligon's Sartorial

Second day trying cold water shaving. For me it certainly is no worse than using hot water. Face doesn't feel flushed when done and if there's any difference at all it might be a slightly closer shave (although that could be in my head!)

I know this has probably been answered before, but how cold are we talking when we say cold water shaving? Lukewarm or actually just cold water?

Tuesday 12th

Hot shower
Hot flannel
Irisch moos cream scuttle lathered
Simpsons Colonel brush
Merkur 37c slant
Gillette 7 oclock Indian green permasharp (3)
Cold rinse
Witch hazel
Irisch moos aftershave balsam

Clean comfortable shave today. Third shave from this blade in 3 different razors the slant seemed to smooth it out. Last shave with it, a new blade and razor setup for tomorrow.

Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Simpson Polo 14
Razors: Iwasaki 1"
Soap: Dr Harris Almond + Palmolive cream
AS: Virgin Island Bay Rum
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Uberclean :D

Very nice shave, but I'm going to tweak the edge a little, seems like it needs a touch up ... Same razors tomorrow...
SmallBeard said:
FrankieG said:
Prep: Cold water face wash
Soap: MWF
Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Best
Razor: Polished Weber/Bulldog handle
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (1)
A/S: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Weleda After Shave Balm
EDT: Penhaligon's Sartorial

Second day trying cold water shaving. For me it certainly is no worse than using hot water. Face doesn't feel flushed when done and if there's any difference at all it might be a slightly closer shave (although that could be in my head!)

I know this has probably been answered before, but how cold are we talking when we say cold water shaving? Lukewarm or actually just cold water?

Run the cold tap, whack the plug in, and get to work! It's not as brutal as it sounds.
Edwin Jagger boar
Gold Fat Tech
Gillette Super Stainless, made in England in 1978
M and S Woodspice a/s balm

Nice. Overdid it a bit trying to get ATG closeness but the balm fixed that.
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