SOTD Sat 8th Sept to Friday 14th Sept


Pre Prep + Prep shaving cream + Simpson Duke3 Best + Weber ARC Bulldog with Polsilver #2 + Proraso splash with Herbíssimo balm

Another full eucaliptus shave! I really love the way that this Weber shaves, a shame that it requires so many attention to avoid stains and rust... If it was less "delicate" it will be my unique razor.

Last night

I now have a brush! and what a brush!

Semogue OC boar in cherry wood
Muhle R89
Gillette Yellow (1)

What a great boar, no smell out the box and quite soft, can't wait for it to improve over the next few months as it breaks in.

A few weepers but a nice comfortable shave before a nice evening celebrating the Battle of Britain, a nice flyby by a Spitfire and Hurricane started the evening, then in true RAF form they managed to put the Union Flag upside down!
Geo F. Trumper's Limes shaving cream
Nickel-plated Fatboy on 6 only
1970s Gillette Platinum blade (3rd shave)
Cold water

Blade produced a nice shave but required more passes so might be time to retire it. But for now back in baby oil to see what another pass will be like next time I use it.
My Limes shaving cream is about two years old now and a lot of its scent has gone. Either that or the hayfever is playing up with my olfactory senses!
Pre shave - Hot Towel, Palmolive Shave Stick
Razor - Weber ARC
Blade - Astra S/S
Brush - New Forest Tubby 1 Finest
Soap - RazoRock Mudder Focker
Cold Rinse/ Witch Hazel/ RazoRock Aftershave Wax

The N/F Finest is a tidy little brush, especially with the Mudder Focker... but my face is suffering...maybe the S/S is a little too aggressive for the Weber.. I think the S/P is more suited to it. :-/

Second shave with Cadet OC head. Today with UFO Godzilla handle, 105 gr weight, 131 gr weight complete razor. Super Iridium blade in first use. Same impressions than yesterday. Good shave, without irritation nor blood, but there are others heads softer, like the Gillette NEW or the Old Type. However, it is a head that gives a very good performance, for those who like to feel the blade on the skin. The price is right considering the level of finish.
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

vintage rebranded Simpsons best
'Webly'/Schick Plus Platinum (NOS)
RL Safari SS (NOS)
Lucky Tiger AS and Face Tonic
Givenchy 'Xeryus' EdT (old black bottle)

Really been enjoying the soap. Turned out to be a good blind buy.

This EdT is one of my favorites. Haven't tried the reformulation, but I've read it's not like the old stuff.

BBS results,


Sunday 9th September 2012
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick Type I
Blade: Stainless Coated (Personna)
Brush: Turkish No. 6 Horse
Cream: Body Shop Macca Root ,Erasmic Supreme Stick & Glycerine

A really nice shave, these Uberlather concoctions seem to provide a huge amount of slip and facial protection, they do however require a little more 'faffing about' if like me you are normally a face latherer.

EJ DE87 with 7 o'clock yellow
RSC cream
EJ pure badger
Baylis & Harding ASB

After trialling a few combos over the summer, I'm back to a trusty pairing of the DE87 and a 7oclock yellow.
Wilkinson sword vintage blade. Going strong. Lots of days use.
New forest 2213
Erasmuck cream
Finish with prince lush cream

18 passes. All smooth.

Ps. This was a great shave!!!
Gillette Tech
Timor (1)
New Forest 2213
RazoRock XXX
Proraso white balm

L'Artisan Parfumeur Côte d'Amour

A bit of irritation. It'll take me a long time to use all 250ml of this edt but I think I'll enjoy the process.

Proraso Pre/Post (Original formula)
Ikon S3S
Dorco 301 (3)
Neep Jubillee
Crabtree & Evelyn West Indian Limes Cream
Nivea Replenishing Aftershave Balm

…tried out the generous sample of the C&E West indians Limes - nice stuff and I can feel a purchase along with the cologne

and we're all set for the week!

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