Something wonky in the engine room?

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
... has summat come off skew on't treddle?

When replying to a post, the page appears to have done nothing ... the reply post is still in the box. When I hit reply a second time, it tells me I've already replied.

Refresh the page and ... my reply is there.

I've noticed a number of posts where the same text has been replied a couple, even several times.

Is it a client thing? I'm on a Mac (OSX Mavericks) and the issue began this morning, for me.

erm ... okay ... this is a first post, not a reply and when I hit the submit button, I got this:

MyBB SQL Error
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'topic_id' in 'field list'
INSERT INTO mybb_tapatalk_push_data (`author`,`user_id`,`data_type`,`title`,`data_id`,`create_time`,`topic_id`) VALUES ('pjgh','2328','newtopic','Something wonky in the engine room?','328203','1388771492','23681')
Please contact the MyBB Group for support.
I'm using Chrome and have noticed something similar.

I reply, it appears to do nothing. So I press the 'Post Reply' button again and it tells me I've already posted the same post. I then refresh the thread and my post is there.

I'm not getting the database error you've listed above though. That's basically saying that the SQL being generated to insert your post data in the database is trying to write to a field called topic_id that doesn't existing in the database table definition.

Edit: That being said, this post went through fine.
Just tried to post something in the BST, two (BBQ plug in code?) errors and one success. Next thing three BST for the same item. Deleted content from two of them anyway.
Original post was when I made a quick upgrade to the forum software :) Akin to replacing engines on a plane, mid-flight. I did make one small oversight in the config though, which may have caused the "1054" error - now fixed.

Just been over the forum files and databases with a magnifying glass and all looks ok this end...

Interesting that those reporting issues most vociferously are using Chrome (Webkit-based) and Safari (Webkit-based)... No further comment here on that.
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