So - first shave with the Kropp then

I sometimes find that my first pass is so good that I do not always bother with a third and use the second to tidy up only. I assume it is because I have used too much pressure but rarely does the stingy rock thingy -alum- cause pain.
Re: RE: So - first shave with the Kropp then

hellofromme said:
I sometimes find that my first pass is so good that I do not always bother with a third and use the second to tidy up only. I assume it is because I have used too much pressure but rarely does the stingy rock thingy -alum- cause pain.
2 passes for me too, none atg anymore just wtg and xtg.
Shave #4 (somewhat delayed as being away for a few weeks)

Noxzema/Proraso combo for prep - speed/angles improving even more, still just WTG but getting even better shaves - no nicks, cuts or alum burn afterward & again, the DE had little to do ATG/XTG; this is a lovely razor & still very smooth, so the stropping must be OK, too.
I think with a combination of xtg in different directions you could skip the atg? I think this is deffo the cause for irritation for me. Gradually getting there myself with the angles of not the blade but the angle of the pass.

Not the best shave this morning for various reasons but a learning experience.

How many laps stropping pre and post?
Just going WTG at the moment until 100% confident with using a straight (still smarting from a bad shavette experience involving a LOT of claret).

Strop wise, only 30 pre shave & 20 post, but certainly seems to be keeping the edge.
I have just started venturing futher than my cheek area, no bad cuts or nicks so far apart from nicking my ear on the very first shave. I am loving my kropp but is taking me some time to build confidence. Always like to read other beginners posts to see how they are doing.

I now do 50 strops on linen followed by 50 on Latigo, suede and cordovan respectively. IMO shaving the whole face is just a case of full focus, could get screwed for this comment but it's just another angle, same face, same lather same razor. Just need to figure out the correct angle and focus on the contours of your face. Simples.

Nice one Leslie, glad it's going better than the shavette.
jim3rg said:
I am loving my kropp but is taking me some time to build confidence

Same here - after the shavette bloodbath I was more than a little nervous at taking an unguarded edge to my face. Very surprised at how forgiving a proper straight razor is.

Once I'm confident with angles, pressure etc, then (and only then) will I try XTG & see how I get on.
Re: RE: So - first shave with the Kropp then

Leslie145 said:
jim3rg said:
I am loving my kropp but is taking me some time to build confidence

Same here - after the shavette bloodbath I was more than a little nervous at taking an unguarded edge to my face. Very surprised at how forgiving a proper straight razor is.

Once I'm confident with angles, pressure etc, then (and only then) will I try XTG & see how I get on.
Hey I hear you Leslie took me a year after my Parker shavette, even thought for some time about DE. Straights do knick you at times, fact. But I feel as safe with the straight as I did with my DE razors and much safer than the shavette.
Good to see your progress Leslie, specially since I am a little ways behind you in terms of experience with a straight. I have just started venturing out from the 'easy' areas, cheeks and sideburns and have started very carefully shaving my neck. Its funny you should mention your DE being quiet as this happened the other day for me after 2 WTG passes on both cheeks and sideburns, my flairtip didn't make a sound, those areas after the shave were so smooth that I was getting strange looks all day as instinctively and compulsively stroking my cheeks :p.

Thanks for your posts.

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