slip on leather shoes

british west hartlepool
ive been looking for a pair of slip ons for me dad, and im humming and hahing about getting myself a pair too. was looking at loakes but the ones i like the look of are the made in india shoes, which seem to get patchy reviews. has anyone got any suggestions for a decent pair? im looking to pay around £100, any ideas?
I've got a made in India pair of Loakes and to be honest my made in England ones aren't finished as well as them. The leather comes from the same tanneries. A better value brand would be Meermin from Spain. Great styles and reasonably priced.

I'm pretty sure the eBay seller goodyearshoes is affiliated with them in some way as he/she sells 'seconds'. Worth having a look or asking for any styles they might have that aren't listed.
Now I realise you meant shoes but I ain't managed to turn up owt for you at that price so what about a pair of NPS dealer boots in tan?


NPS Dealer Boots / Farmer's Friend

£110? Quite fancy a pair meself. Reckon those are Fussell's combinette heels with the quarter steel tips.

Probably not what you are looking for though so apologies, mate. :blush:
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