Simpsons Luxury Shaving Cream Review (Citrus Burst)

As a DE newbie I was very pleased to be offered the chance to try this cream. So far I have been face lathering with a Palmolive stick so comparisons should be read in this context!

Initial impressions were very favourable. The cream arrived very well packed with a Progressive Shaving Brush (Vulfix) Ltd compliments slip. On opening the tin there was a little cream in the lid but certainly nothing too messy.

I had read the review of another Simpsons cream so had been pointed in the direction of the instructions to face lather on the bottom of the tin. Had I not read this I could easily have missed that suggestion. Perhaps I will try latherin in a bowl at some point too. The scent was subtler than I was expecting. Anything stronger however may have been too chemical! That said any fragrance that may have lingered did not do so for very long at all. Edit: Made my brush smell lovely!

Day One: After soaking my brush while in the shower I gave it two or three quick flicks before applying cream. A small dab lathered on my face much better than the Palmolive and I easily had enough cream for three (or more) passes. The shave was at least as smooth. The biggest difference was how much more hydrated my face felt afterwards! I did have a few nicks but I think this was down to being the third shave on a Derby (the last scheduled shave from my third ever DE blade). The cream was so smooth it probably led to some lazy technique on my part. Time to try a different blade that TSR members had kindly passed on to me!

Initial impressions therefore very positive! Would I buy it? Well, I have almost nothing to compare it against. I may try another scent. That said, it is certainly a cream to be taken very seriously!
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