Shavocalypse (Time waster!)

Thankfully I am OK till about 2080 (around 8000 blades in stock), but being honest we knew this was coming. It is the only area of growth (no pun intended) left for them. Everywhere else they have saturated the market and killed/bought/undercut the competition.

It will not happen overnight but I believe in the next 5-10 years we will be down to half the types of blade available. There will always be a niche market for DE but for those markets the prices will go up not down. The Asian continent is the only reason we can get so many of the blades we can right now and when it becomes cartridge users some manufacturers will merge while others will fold.
An old thread but worthy of bumping.

I've got 2000 yellows in stock, I get through 100 a year if I shave every day though at the moment only shaving every other day they're going to last me 40 years.

So own up, how long is your stash going to last. @Boycie83 can probably keep us all supplied with soap 'till we put down our razors for the last time.
From DE blades, I have around 300 I believe so 300 x 3 x 2 = 1800

Although some will be going to freebie pile since I don’t like them or can only get two 3 pass shaves out of at best lol

Then also got couple hundred of personna gem for my 1912s .... not tested how many shaves I can get out of one yet, definitely 4 comfortable ones so let’s give a ballpark number of 6
200 x 6 x 2 = 2400

so altogether I should run out of blades on :
Tuesday, 21 September 2032
I think I win the award for the lowest amount of blades....I have about 40 Wilkinson Sword/Gillette saloon and about 40 Astra platinum. I really need to try some more but don't see the point when I still have these...
I've tried. The above (obviously) Gillette silver blue, necete, permasharp, polsilver, standard Wilkinson Sword, And I think I've had some Voskhod.
I think I must be doing something wrong.
Any recommendations?
I think I win the award for the lowest amount of blades....I have about 40 Wilkinson Sword/Gillette saloon and about 40 Astra platinum. I really need to try some more but don't see the point when I still have these...
I've tried. The above (obviously) Gillette silver blue, necete, permasharp, polsilver, standard Wilkinson Sword, And I think I've had some Voskhod.
I think I must be doing something wrong.
Any recommendations?
Come On What GIF by MOODMAN

That's a dangerously low amount. You should buy more. Lots more. I'm shocked I've read such a thing!
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