Shaving Set ... a Bank Holiday PIF

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Have a great Bank Holiday, folks!

Meanwhile, if you're interested in the following then please pop your name down in an orderly manner. It's all packed up and I can't be bothered to unpack for the sake of a photograph, so you'll need to use your imaginations and/or merge the corporate pictures into that imagined image.

The set comprises:

FEATHER Popular ... cased, with a pack of FEATHER blades
Bulldog Shaving Bursh ... brand new and still packaged
T&H No.10 Shaving Cream ... used, but still plenty left

I'll do a random name spin after 21:00 on Monday 30th August.



Awesome PIF Paul! Yet another one haha! As much as the feather razor looks interesting - I’ll keep out of this one! Won one recently and still waiting to give the stuff an outing! Good luck to all that enter this PIF !
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