Shave Sticks

Mike Smart

Edinburgh Scotland
Are these becoming a thing of the past ?
they seem to be getting fewer & fewer yet some prices seem ridiculous.
i personally would like to see them last forever but i’m guessing not as many people use them due to all the artisans.
i’m curious as to how many regulars on here actually use them & is it just on occasion or regular use ?
Never used a shaving stick but would definitely like to try them.

Edit: and I will start with Palmolive as I just added one in the basket ;)
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Why do you think they are not as easy to find ?
probably not enough people using them
me included.
would be a shame to see them disappear
I think it's demand as you've mentioned Mike. My Grandad used a Palmolive stick but my father used goo for years. I don't know anyone beyond those on this forum that use sticks.
There are still some excellent ones around La Toja is one I like sometimes and is very reasonable especially in Spain as is Lea. I have seen people make there own as well with whichever soap is their preference as you can buy the containers.

In general It would seem the demand for them is less , so maybe that is why a few of the larger companies are not continuing production , it usually happens at the point Sales decrease below a critical mass , or the manufacturing line needs heavy investment.
I think it's demand as you've mentioned Mike. My Grandad used a Palmolive stick but my father used goo for years. I don't know anyone beyond those on this forum that use sticks.

Come on Chris! I've been voicing my love for shaving sticks for a really long time!

Are these becoming a thing of the past ?
they seem to be getting fewer & fewer yet some prices seem ridiculous.
i personally would like to see them last forever but i’m guessing not as many people use them due to all the artisans.
i’m curious as to how many regulars on here actually use them & is it just on occasion or regular use ?

The shaving stick sadly is going to become something of the past. In the last few years, Palmolive, Wilkinson Sword, Valobra have been stopped entirely, Tabac is currently being reformulated. Erasmic has also gone, not much of a loss as it wasn't really highly rated. Then there's Sir Irish Moos also resigned to history.

In Turkey there used to be a few (Camelot, Blueness to name a few) but now the only ones that seem to be in production are Arko & Derby.

Aside from PAA, Razorock have added some new sticks to the market, but they never made much of a splash in Europe. In USA, they are very cheap, $9 for 4, but they do not seem to have much popularity on B&B at all.
Got only a few - and must say I do enjoy that format as much as I don't reach for them too often!
With some soaps / blocks of soap - I do tend to rub them on my face. It works even better if the hair has 2 days growth or more.

From sticks I've got:
Wilkinson sword
La toja

Still want to grab a few - Speick, Lea, possibly Derby, probably grab couple of tabac refills to have them in tallow formula. Also some others to try if I come across any other vintage one's that I'm unaware of!
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