Shave of The Day w/c Saturday 30th January 2010.

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Merkur 34C HD
Personna Red (1)
Semogue 1305
Boots Freshwood Soap
Tobs Alum
Boots Freshwood AS
Boots Freshwood ASB

Stingy stingy today. Might be the brand new blade or maybe I shouldn't have ventured away from my beloved Tabac. The Boots soap lathered like a dream but before I'd even started shaving, my face was feeling tingly and after 2 passes (WTG and XTG) I'd had about enough. Got a few blood spots on the right of my neck and my face is still a bit stingy........... in areas what I didnt shave but which got lather on (upper cheeks). This is really strange and quite new to me but I dont like it. The Boots soap would do if I was stuck in a bind but it aint no Tabac or even palmolive for that matter.
Hawkeye5 said:
The original horn scales to my knowledge, Proinsias. I have no reason to suspect they have been changed. As unlikely as it seems, I was the first to set the bevel and hone this razor. I've looked at many Wade & Butchers and have never seen another with filigree such as this. Perhaps some of you chaps have seen one in shops or flea markets, boot sales I believe they may be called there, while rummaging around. I would be most interested to discover additional information.

It is just hard to beat Sheffield steel, enjoy your wedge. And thank you, she is a rather unique shaver.

Lucky you.

I've not even found a DE at a car boot sale here yet, if I find one of those you guys will be the first to know about it.
In 6 months, I found a grand total of 4 - 2 mint unused Techs in travel kits, 1 Fatboy (in pond dredge condition) and 1 Flair Tip Rocket in pond-dredge condition... there aren't many about at all.

I talked to a house clearance chap and he said the families usually cleared out all the "personal" items from the bathroom etc before calling in the house clearance, and if not he either left them or skipped them.
Couldnt be bothered to get up this morning, but when i finally got myself out of bed at 8:50 after a lie in:
Merkur 34hd
Shark blade
Wilkinson Sword brush
Crabtree and Evelyn Sienna soap
Nivea ASB

A nice shave, dont seem to get as close a shave with the Sharks, but it didnt cause any irritation and got no nicks

Merkur HD
Semogue 2009 LE
Arko SS
Ems Bay Rum ASB


Merkur HD
Semogue 1305
Tabac SS
Dickensons witch hazel w/aloe
Ems Bay Rum ASB

This blade is still rockin on....

Mühle R89
Derby (2/3)
Trumpers Pure Badger
Taylor St James Collection SS mixed with Olivia's Crema Dark Rhassoul (someone gave me)
*Extra Cold water with drops of After Shave (as in Mantics lastest clip) Hugo Boss XY in place of Alum
Trumpers Coral Skin food (Before and after)
Trumpers Moisturiser
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