Shave of the Day - Saturday 9th April to Friday 15th April

SOTD 11/4/16

Hot Towel, Mitchell's Wool Fat, RazoRock Monster, RazoRock Bazooka, Astra SP(1), Cold Towel

Mitchell's Monday. I used a new type of blade today for the first time (Astra SP) so wanted a soap I have good knowledge of, that offers good protection, but allows less room for error so that I could expose the blades weaknesses. Thankfully, the blade was smooth and efficient with and across the grain. Less so against the grain, we'll see over the next few shaves as to how follow up shaves fair. I'll be using a fresh SP in my 39C over the next few days with my favourite soap, I suspect I'll enjoy the blade.

Yesterday's Rasp

Merkur 34c, Lab Blue
Hand-carved Beech 2-band
Blue Stratos AS
Unrefined Shea Butter
Blue Stratos EdT

Lovely close, refreshing shave. :D
Monday AM 2016-04-11

Georgetown Pottery G20 scuttle
Rooney 1/2 Faux Horn Finest (24mm/58mm)
Floris No. 89 shaving soap (tallow)
Delta Echo Feather AS-D2/Triad Copper Rolling Hexagon
Gillette 'Swede' (3)
Floris No. 89 aftershave (vintage)
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

barber handle burl silvertip
Kramperts Bay Rum Acadian spice SC
Neutrogena oil free moisture
no EdT for some reason

Second day with the Feather and I forgot how much I could push the envelope and gave myself a very small zing on the jaw that was helped instantly by the My Nic is Sealed device. Yeah, I can get carried away by how smooth things are going and will use that blade like any other. Real nice finish to the shave.

BBS results,

If Carlsberg did shaves............


Prep - Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Ever Ready 1912
Blade - Personna GEM SE Stainless (#5)
Brush - Shavemac Raptor 26/52 DO1 3 Band Bulb
Soap - Saponificio Varesino 70th Anniversary
After - Frozen towel / Saponificio Varesino 70th Anniversary
Result - Dolphin Smooth

This is one of those shaves you dream of. The scent is heavenly, but combine this soap with the knot on this brush and it takes on a whole new life.
I took some great advice in lathering for much longer than usual, up around four, maybe five minutes and the result was really thick and luscious. The extra time really helps the stability of the lather throughout the shave.
Topped of with the aftershave on a squeaky clean face, this is a feeling that's hard to beat!
  • Merkur 34c
  • Personna 'med prep' (3rd shave)
  • Musgo Real glycerine 'pre-shave' face soap
  • Myrsol emulsion (as a pre-shave)
  • TOBS Peppermint shaving cream
  • Myrsol Formula K splash
  • Proraso 'white' aftershave balm

  • Two passes (WTG & XTG)
  • A second consecutive shave that has not left some degree of irritation or weepies
  • BBS WTG & XTG - some definite stubble ATG - could be the fact that it's the third outing for the blade?

Overall a nice, face-freezing shave

Castle Forbes Lavender shaving cream
EJ 23mm Synthetic
ATT R1 Kronos / Polsilver SI (3)
Proraso Eucalyptus & Menthol ASB

Excellent start of the week. Thought I would alternate between ATT R1 and R2 plates (and Mongoose) for a while to better evaluate each one's strengths.

Greetings Frankie
That's arguably your best so far, you certainly seem to have got to grips with photoshop!

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