Shave of the day Saturday 19th August-Friday 25th August 2017

Valobra Stick
24mm Plissoft knot set in Vulfix 404 handle
The General Brass / Feather Pro (8)
Aloe Vera Gel

Travel kit for the next week:
Proraso Eucalyptus & Menthol (tube)
RazoRock Black Hawk / Feather ProGuard
Aloe Vera Gel

Off on holiday tomorrow :) Have a great week everyone!
Have a great one :) P.
Tuesday evening...

Soap - TOBS Sandalwood Tallow
Brush - RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
Face lather
Razor - Fa Tip Piccolo
Blade - Gillette 7 o' Clock Stainless Green #1
Post - Thayer's and Floïd MV

The 7 o' Clock and Fa Tip made short work of the whiskers tonight. Sliced through smoothly and effortlessly. I hadn't used the TOBS soap in a while and it gives great performance with a lovely scent. Floïd provides a nice cool burn.
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I'm sorry, I can't get this image to rotate right. Nor do I have the patience...
It deserves a rotate at least.
Valobra Stick
24mm Plissoft knot set in Vulfix 404 handle
The General Brass / Feather Pro (8)
Aloe Vera Gel

Travel kit for the next week:
Proraso Eucalyptus & Menthol (tube)
RazoRock Black Hawk / Feather ProGuard
Aloe Vera Gel

Off on holiday tomorrow :) Have a great week everyone!

Have a nice time on your holidays. ;):)
Tuesday 22nd August 2017
Pre Shave: Hot Shower + L'Oreal Pure Power Charcoal Face Wash
Razor: OneBlade Core v2
Blade: Feather FHS (#5)
Brush: Semogue 610
Soap: Kent
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphreys Witch Hazel
AS: Nivea Soothing Balm

After a bit if irritation from the Core v2 shave yesterday I decide to give the blade another go as I figured I could always ditch the blade and grab s DE in my wash bag that was all ready to go. No need as the blade on shave no. 5 still seemed good, I was only working on less than a full days growth so it did not have too much work to do. No irritation at all today, so not sure what yesterday was all about. The Kent soap, which I understand to be the same as Mitchell's Wool Fat was superb, I have never tried MWF but if this is the same I can see why it has such a good reputation with some.

Prep: Hot shower and L'Oreal Charcoal face wash
Razor: ATT R1 with Atlas handle
Razor blade: Gillette Platinum (3)
Brush: Zenith Manchurian
Bowl: Little Wren Pottery
Soap: D.R. Harris Arlington
Post: Lashings of cold water and Fine American Blend

Received the Zenith Manchurian today which I bought from @Rohleder after he decided he's a "synthetic man" .... tuts and shakes head.:confused::p

I really like it. It feels quite big compared to my other 26mm knots. The handle feels great in the hand. There is some scritch or scratch or whatever you want to call it but not much. I'm hoping this will go after I've used it a few times.
Plenty of backbone too.

The shave was excellent. The Gillette Platinum works a treat in the R1, smooth and efficient.
The Arlington soap is a great performer and gives great protection. No weepers or irritation.

And now for something completely different...
I'm not one for looking back or wanting to go back in time but...I would have loved to see Jimi Hendrix live.
Is there a better tv performance? Answers on a postcard...........The answers 'NO' BTW.:cool:

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Vintage Surrey Tallow Shaving Soap

The soap is outrageously good, in fact, I'd forggotten just how good. I was raking through some boxed shaving gear, came across and though, "Coo, I'll 'ave some of that!"

Thank you kindly to @dodgy who sen me this a while ago. Perhaps the best soap I've ever used.

Hey big G my good buddy,

Funny thing.....I thought of you a couple weeks ago, but not while in the shower. Yep I was driving around a neighborhood community garage sale where lots of homeowners had things to sell from the sidewalk or garage. Stopped and bought some fishing tackle I will never use from a nice lady and asked for the hell of it about any shaving crap. She said wait a minute and after looking around came up with a NIB still sealed Old Spice refill soap! Finally ran across some in the wild. Cost me 25 cents and it's been used a bunch since then. Lather scent isn't that strong but jeeez, it's great performer.

Anyway, my pleasure sending the soap out years ago...I was kinda hooked on that for a while. I have an even older puck that's shrunk to about half it's normal size and it's got no scent but is really good.

Always a pleasure typing at you and glad to see your posts again.

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Hey big G my good buddy,

Funny thing.....I thought of you a couple weeks ago, but not while in the shower. Yep I was driving around a neighborhood community garage sale where lots of homeowners had things to sell from the sidewalk or garage. Stopped and bought some fishing tackle I will never use from a nice lady and asked for the hell of it about any shaving crap. She said wait a minute and after looking around came up with a NIB still sealed Old Spice refill soap! Finally ran across some in the wild. Cost me 25 cents and it's been used a bunch since then. Lather scent isn't that strong but jeeez, it's great performer.

Anyway, my pleasure sending the soap out years ago...I was kinda hooked on that for a while. I have an even older puck that's shrunk to about half it's normal size and it's got no scent but is really good.

Always a pleasure typing at you and glad to see your posts again.

Ahh, that's better. Reading a post by L. Martino ay'ways makes a'body feel better. Hope you're well, Marty! (sheesh, nearly typed 'Mary'....)

I honestly can't imagine the plethora of artisanal US soaps performing or smelling any better than yon Surrey vintage magic potion of the gods.

Nice find, my good sir! Thought of you the other day too but again, not whilst in the shower. Splashed some of the vintage Shulton Old Spice aftershave on as a cologne and the scent immediately reminded me of my old garden, house and life. Bittersweet memories but then I thought of you and your amazing generosity and decided to forge new memories whilst drenched in the magnetic lotion.

Heh, growing a 'tache at the moment so going to have a play with razors over the next wee while. My top lip area is always the most tender and prone to pain with errant use of an unfamiliar rasping device so I'll trundle out some of my less used sinkers an have at it. Watch this space for a good read at The Daily Weeper or The Morning Nick.
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