Secret Santa 2014 *Updated*

Many thanks to my SS! A great haul, the highlights for me; a great selection of my favourite blades, some lovely balm and a tube of supermax cream, which I've never tried.

Very happy, merry Christmas!

Once again truly humbled by my Secret Santa gift -
In no particular order
Cold River Soap Works - Original Scent No 2 Shaving soap
Samples / cuts of Barrister and Mann Winter Spice & Bay Rum soaps and P160 Tipo Duro
Some sachets of Community Coffee which will brighten my night shifts and reinvigorate my cafetiere use
M&Ms White Chocolate Candy Corn that I've never seen before
and a Gender Wars game
I suspect Santa may have been in the USA shopping - I hope he got home safe
I will post some pics of my haul- but thanks to my ss. Some arko soap, as And balm, and a load of other great bits to eat and drink! Thanks who ever you are!!
Thank you Santa!!
My Santa sent me a razor that I would never have thought of buying on my own. You could have bowled me over when I open the package! Overwhelmed doesn't come close to describing my feelings.
Shave with it this morning. Great shave, it's going right on the rack next to the '04!
Thank you again for your generosity!

Update: Sunday ... Had to try a Dry Shave with it... Yes, excellent !!!
I finally received my package from TSR-SS today! (I blame the USPS!)
I imagine that I'm not the easiest person to shop for, so a lot of these items I haven't seen before.
100-pack of Derby blades (the good-un's)
An open-comb straight "shaper" (I need to find blades for this)
A Hero fountain pen
A NOS unopened Gillette razor with super-thin blade
...and what appears to be menthol flavored tobacco snuff.
All very graciously received. Thanks TSR!
Well thats it for another year and it looks like all the gifts arrived including 2 from my (not so ) Secret Santa's !! A bar of Nannys "Old Grey Bristle Test" pre shave soap and T&H No 10 Pre and Post Shave balms. Plus R.S. Co Shave Cream and Shave Balm. Thanks to both of you they are much appreciated.
Thanks to all that participated this year to keep the tradition alive and if you think I am organising next year you can all bugger off....:p
Hope you all have a Great 2015 whatever it brings !!
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