Seasons Greeting's and a Happy New Year (2014)

Hello fellow members……….

I should like too take this opportunity in wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas and enjoy the New Year (2014)

Charles U.K
Happy Christmas Everyone !!!
Ruth and I are having a "first" this year. Having hosted family Christmas gatherings in the New Forest for nearly 40 years we are on the move this year as our daughters are staying at home. We have booked ourselves into a hotel in the centre of Guildford for two nights from tomorrow from where we will be able to spend Christmas with daughter number three just up the road. Then later this week it's to daughter number two in Bournemouth for a day visit. Daughter number one will be in New York where we might just go at this time next year.

Changes like this lead to mixed feelings. There's nothing like being in your own home at Christmas with family and friends. But nothing goes on for ever. Life must move on.

Where ever you are. Have a great Christmas.
Merry Christmas to one and all, not that I'm a religious Man but I really enjoy the traditional carol singing we Welsh really do love a good sing song, and yes I had a rather surprise visit from a member from the straight razor place on Wednesday called in on me with his lovely daughters for a few hours all the way from Queensland Australia while touring the UK.
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