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2010 - The start of WWIII. The war will begin in November of 2010 and will end in October of 2014. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.

Not long left.....

No mention or the 2nd coming of The Great Prophet Zarquon.
Father Ted said:
Given the enormous atmospheric pressure on Venus, can anyone begin to understand why the hell we want to send a piloted expedition there in 2018 given that unmannd raft have lasted mere minutes???

Personnally I'm devoutly hoping that most if not all the numpties in our Scottish Parliament will do their usual and fight like rats in a sack for the chance of a freebie !

JohnnyO. :(
this part scared me with whats been going on lately..
2010 - The start of WWIII. The war will begin in November of 2010 and will end in October of 2014. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.
"2354 - Accident on one of the man made suns, will result in drought."

Seeing as I'm going to be a robot I don't feel too much dread about this. Pretty keen to know how we'll make a sun. I feel that once we gain that amount of power and control the galaxy will be our oyster. I'm crossing my fingers for an Iain M Banks' Culture (special?) situation, that would be lovely. :D
slash said:
this part scared me with whats been going on lately..
2010 - The start of WWIII. The war will begin in November of 2010 and will end in October of 2014. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.
Yeah, with N-S Korea.. not sure where that's going....

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