Sales in stores and still confused

So..its just past Thanksgiving Day here in the USA..
And yes everyone went out to buy items on sale..Xmas is also coming up and im sure sales will showup for sure...
This Monday is when online deals showup as much as in store sales do..
But does one really need WHATEVER is really on sale? makes me really wonder why do people go to stores or go online to get really good you need a new sweater or a cheap(er) laptop..and yes I have a top notch desktop I recently bought and an iphone for I need an Ipad or netbook or laptop even though its cheap as heck?..nope..ill stick to all my clothing and electronics that I currently have..whats going on with people rushing to malls and such?..can someone help me understand it all... :?:

It's just plain old consumerism mate and mass marketing.

Growth in sales is key to a company's success and most major companies have a HUGE marketing department whose ultimate goal is to get consumers to spend.
Yea I figured..but if one goes to buy a $250 laptop that was discounted from $360 lets come home and never needed it..yet bought it on a whim..go back to the store to get refund if in full if you're lucky enough

Blades said:
So..its just past Thanksgiving Day here in the USA..
And yes everyone went out to buy items on sale..Xmas is also coming up and im sure sales will showup for sure...
This Monday is when online deals showup as much as in store sales do..
But does one really need WHATEVER is really on sale? makes me really wonder why do people go to stores or go online to get really good you need a new sweater or a cheap(er) laptop..and yes I have a top notch desktop I recently bought and an iphone for I need an Ipad or netbook or laptop even though its cheap as heck?..nope..ill stick to all my clothing and electronics that I currently have..whats going on with people rushing to malls and such?..can someone help me understand it all... :?:


Sales are a companies way of saying 'stuff you' to all those loyal customers who paid the full price. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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