S.O.T.D. Saturday 9th May to Friday 15th May 2015

Pere Lucien
Very heavy Metal rook brush,
Steve woodhead Mega scuttle
Fon Golden Star 13/16
MWF moisturiser


Afternoon, all.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJDE89
Blade: Rapira (6)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Palmolive
Aftershave: Pashana Bay Rum
Cologne: Woods of Windsor
SOTD - Thurs
Pre: RazoRock menthol/lime soap
Soap: Catie's Bubbles "Glacè Herbe"
Brush: Romera LE horn, 28mm Manchurian
Razor: Ikon DLC Slant w/SE handle
Blade: NOS Gillette SS 1969 (3)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel, Tom Ford "Grey Vetiver"
Nice chill. Even nicer shave.
Thursday, SOTD.

Brush, L'Occitane Plisson.
Soap, Pere Lucien & a smidgen of crabtree and Evelyn Moroccan myrrh because I love the smell :) .
Razor, Merkur 39 c sledgehammer.
Blade, gillette 7 o clock super stainless.
Thayers original witch hazel with aloe Vera.
Crabtree and Evelyn Moroccan myrrh after shave balm.
M & S woodspice.

Two days growth to really smooth in two passes...lovely.

astra sp
tsr brush
nanny's bergamot and coriander
hai karate
wars balm

never really clicked with the EJ but today i found the angle - a bit less shallow than i'm used to.
Arko Stick
Omega 49
Parker Head on Custom iKon SE "Alike" handle
Gillette Super Platinum [1]
Adidas Pure Game AS
BS MR Face Protector
Wow, what a difference... Last shave with a Rapira Swedish was rough and nasty feeling, todays was smooth and efficient! Has something gone wrong with the Rapiras? They used to be sharp and smooth, god awful in the Parker!?!
SOTD - Friday
Pre: RazoRock menthol/lime soap
Soap: Vintage Yardley's (1940's)
Brush: Rubberset-400 replica with 26mm TGN Finest 2-band
Razor: Gillette 1969 Black Beauty
Blade: NOS Gillette SS 1969 (4)
Post: Cella "Eau de Lavande" followed by Penhaligon's Opus 1870 EdT
Fri 15th May 2015

Kent Infinity
Gem Jnr Bar
Gem S/S [ 3 ]
Alum Rub/ Rinse
Woods Of Windsor A/S Balm
Floid Vigoroso A/S

3rd use of Razor today. this time no shim on Blade. Very comfortable mild shave with good results.
In some areas not as close as with Damaskeene . Very happy to use this razor again with a modern blade.
S.O.T.D. Saturday 9th May to Friday 15th May

Rushed shave so used the emergency/novelty six blade disposable and after a bit of scraping (I should strop these first) I got BBS very easily and quickly.

Vivac six blade disposable
Speick shaving cream
Semogue 1305
Superdrug Forest Fresh a/s
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