S.O.T.D. Saturday 4th April to Friday 10th April 2015

Wednesday 8th April


Warm shower
Hot towel
Tabac stick grated scuttle lathered
Finest Badger brush made by myself
Gillette Slim Twist
Polsilver Super Iridium (2)
Cold rinse
Thayers Superhazel
Tabac aftershave
Prep- Ach Brito Lime soap
Soap- RazoRock Zi Peppino
Brush- Cadman black badger
Razor- Valet VC4
Blade- Feather [5]
Post- Alt Innsbruck AS

Noted the passing of Señor Miquel Ricou Solé, so tomorrow the Myrsol Balsamica AS will be in my shave routine.

Razor: Bengall 5/8
Strops: Waterhouse linen\leather & Westholme Cordovan
Brush: Frank Shaving Purtech synthetic
Soap: Mikes eucalyptus & lemon\Himalaya\L'occitane Cade
Balm: Village Barber balm

Need to have a shave tonight as I start my new job tomorrow. However, I had about two days growth and wanted to get rid of it.

Two passes (WTG and a combined WTG\XTG) led to a very decent finish. Not BBS but certainly good enough.

This is a small razor but by gaw it's sharp! I shall give it a proper runout this weekend.
RSC Cooling Cream
Omega 49
Parker Head on Custom Stainless handle
Polsilver SI [2]
Blue Stratos AS
BS MR Face Protector.

Surprisingly rough shave today, 1st outing for the Parker head - much more aggressive than an ED89. PSI blade just seemed rough today.
Pre wash.. Botanics face wash.
Taylor of bond street, sandalwood shaving cream.
Taylor, pure badger.
Dovo, 6/8 full hollow straight razor.
Woodspice aftershave.
Botanics intensive moisturiser.

Three passes, real close.. And a very enjoyable evening shave.


Evening, everyone.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Junjie
Blade: Dorco 300 (5)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: Taylor of Old Bond Street, Avocado
Aftershave: Caldey Island
Cologne: Caldey Island
Third shave with the Tradere OC, 2nd gen today.
If I could have high-fived it after the shave I would have.

Razor: Tradere OC, 2nd gen
Blade: Personna
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
Soap: Klar Kabinett
A/S: Anherb
Body Splash: The Veg

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