S.O.T.D. Saturday 27th December 1914 to Friday 2nd January 2015

Hyperion day:

Prep: hot wash with dove soap.
Brush: Grooming Company Next gen synthetic badger.
Soap: Professor Blighty's Hyperion
Razor: Razorock 'Jaws' open comb.
Blade: Crystal SS.
Post: Professor Blighty's hyperion post shave tonic.

The brush performed a lot better today on its second outing, producing enough lather for a 3 pass WTG, XTG and ATG shave with some left over for buffing and Jhooking leaving me with nice and smooth skin with only 1 nick. I am getting used to this new razor and the slightly different angle needed with an open comb for the most part, it is a very forgiving razor so far.

The professors soap never lets me down and is so easy to use and smells awesome, likewise the post shave tonic has never stung, just leaves my skin feeling good.

Prep : Bulldog face wash
Brush : Chubby 2 in best
Soap : CRSW Select Puro Fresco
Razor : ATT Kronos M2
Blade : Lab Blue
Post : Proraso green ASB

First try with this razor. Not enamoured so far but maybe it takes some getting used too. It certainly gives more audiable feedback than any of my other razors. Felt rather rough under the chin shaving ATG. At the moment my Merkur slant feels a fair bit smoother.

I under loaded the chubby again. Lather on the 2nd and third pass was sparse. Might have contributed to the slight roughness of the shave.

Face wash with Waitrose glycerine soap
Feather Artist Club DX folding / Pro Blade
Simpson “Chubby” 3 Manchurian Cobalt
Tabac shaving stick
Myrsol Agua Balsamica



Both the Strop Shoppe Black Tie and the Chubby 2B were Christmas presents. The Black Tie is very slick the scent nice but mild to the point of unnoticeable which is a shame because it could be an unbeatable soap with a stronger scent. Finished off with Executive Shaving Moisturising balm.
Black theme today!

mp3 - Hollywood Directors Roundtable Podcast
Prep - Hot towel
Blade - Feather (3)
Razor - Ikon B1 Slant on the long handle
Brush - Rubberset Spec Ops
Soap - Kent puck in a black lacquered wooden case
Post - Zirrh R2 and Zirrh Drench
Smellies - Tom Ford Noir

Now to surf - whilst trying to look as though I'm working hard :)




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