S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st February to Friday 27th February 2015

Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam towel
Razor - Gillette Ball End Tech
Blade - Polsilver Super Iridium (#1)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko with Eucalyptus & Lemongrass EO's
After - Frozen towel / Alum
Result - BBS

Still working through a re-run of my blade trails. My beard has changed in so many ways since I started with DE a year ago, I decided I needed to go through some blades again.
Totally different experience with the PSI tonight, none of the tugging that made me ditch it first time around. I never doubted they were one of the sharper blades but they planed right through four days growth without a single issue. Very comfortable, although I realise the Tech has a lot to do with that.
As for the soap, back to the ever faithful Arko. I keep trying other soaps but every time I return to Arko, it reinforces just how good it is. Pepped it up with four drops each of Eucalyptus & Lemongrass essential oils. Whilst the scent combination was fantastic , I didn't like the feel of it at the start, felt like it was burning me but having used them separately before, I pushed ahead. Glad I did because it numbed the hell out of me, to the point that I couldn't even feel the frozen towel I always use afterwards. For those that haven't tried it, stick with it, you won't want to go without it after you get used to it. Makes all the blood rush to your face after you remove it, bringing all that lovely oxygen with it.
All in all, a fantastic shave!
Prep - Shower/Normal Bath Soap
Razor - Fatboy
Blade - Rapira Plat Lux (2)
Brush - £2 horsehair cheapo from Bestshave
Soap - Arko
After - Alum / Nivea / Sierra Breeze AS

WTG / XTG and touch ups - very nice. The Platinum Lux felt a little better second time out. Might have a go at Gordy's frozen towel next shave.
Darkbulb said:
Used my "Mystery Roller Guard razor from Argentina" for the first time today - and will use it exclusively all week to really give it a shot at remaining in my collection :)

Razor: "Mystery razor from Argentina"
Blade: Ladas
Soap: Soap Commander Endurance
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
A/S: The Veg


I love the look of that razor, just the sort of thing I go for.


UFO/Grand Shave King/Voskhod Teflon (realised I hadn't loaded it after I took the photo)
AdP Silvertip
Cold River Soap Works Select Vetiver
Knize Ten Aftershave
Undergreen Black EDP
Soap Commander Respect sample (thanks fly3k)
Vulfix 404
Progress on 2, 1.5
Polsilver Super Iridium
Vintage Wilkinson Sword aftershave

Really like the SC. This one's smell reminds me of Crabtree and Evelyn Sienna
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

1964 Macys rebranded silvertip flopmeister nice with creams
'Webly'/Wilkinson Light Brigade
Neutrogena oil-free moisture sensitive skin
no EdT for some reason

BBS results,


Muhle R41
Personna Platinum
Semogue Owners Club boar
CRSW Puro Fresco
Barbershop Bay Rum
Kiehls Heavy Lift
Terre d'Hermes

Wonderful smooth 2 pass shave


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Tues 24th February 2015
Neutrogena Glyc Bar
Omega 11126
Proraso Green Cream
E R Streamline
Gem S/S [ 6 ]
Alum/Woods of Windsor A/S Balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

MMOC v Other SE [ ER & Gem ]
This was a DFS,one of my best. The weight does the work, and for final polish
you need to vary the head angle subtly. Will see how the MMOC fares on 6. Still,for
me the Streamline is ahead of all others tried.

Tuesday 24th February 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Treet 1912 Baton Handle
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue 830 Boar
Cream: La Toja
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Terre D'Hermes



Razor: Mongoose polished head with UFO Godzilla handle
Blade: Feather Professional Super
Brush: Muhle V2 synthetic
Soap: Sir Irisch Moos
AS: Witch hazel
EDT (in morning): Pens Juniper Sling

Back on the Mongoose again. This combo of blade (when bedded in) and razor takes some beating.
Soap : Tabula Rasa Vetiver & Tangerine
Brush : Simpsons Classic 2 Best Badger
Razor : Merkur 1904
Blade : Gillette 7 O'Clock Black
Post : D.R Harris Windsor Aftershave Milk
Fragrance : D.R Harris Windsor EDT

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