S.O.T.D. Saturday 14th February to Friday 20th February 2015

Just a very quick touch up with the Fatboy on 5 and lab blue on its 3rd run out. 1 pass & very nice.

BS Maca Root cream
Omega 49
Fatboy [5,5]
Schick Premium [1]
Adidas Pure Game AS
BS Maca Root Face Protector

2 Pass with this Fatboy, leaves nothing left for a 3 pass! Still astounded by this razor!
fancontroller said:
FrankieG said:
Cold water splash
M&F 1/2 in Blonde Badger
ATT M2 Kronos
Astra SP (2)
Clinique Post-Shave Soother

TABAC - you did it, Frankie! What do you think?

Yes, I finally took the jump. Had a really nice shave too! Loads of cushiony, thick lather from relatively little product offering excellent post-shave skincare. Performance reminded me a lot of Speick. Opinions seem to be divided when it comes to the scent, but I found it inoffensive and not overbearing. There certainly are more sophisticated smelling soaps around but that won't stop me from using Tabac again. I give it 8/10 as is and would be just about perfect with a better scent.
Darkbulb said:
Mr_Smartepants said:
Darkbulb said:
In the background the early morning traffic on Hwy 101 just outside of San Francisco.
Brisbane or Foster City?

Technically still San Francisco proper but at the very southern edge of it (so north of Brisbane).

Ah, my dad had his office in Brisbane and I've hiked the SSF hills, I thought I recognized the view.
Thursday 19/02/15

Pre: Oil & hot towel
Brush: Invisible Edge's own pure badger
Razor: Muhle R89
Blade: Personna platinum
Soap: Tabac original
Balm: Tabac
EDT: Paco Rabanne XS

Just love the Tabac scent!!!
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

1964 rebranded Macys silvertip flopmeister good with creams
Schick F type/Gillette Platinum Plus (NOS 1970)
Xpec SC
Lucky Tiger AS and Face Tonic
Jacomo de Jacomo ( a few incarnations old I think)

Yesterday I loaded this great old blade into this perfectly fitting injector and have now had two extremely fun shaves. Jeez, this goofy looking razor had gotta be one of my biggest surprises ever regarding shaving crap. The shaving experience is second to none when it comes to the actual process. How it shaves with a sharp blade, how it feels in my hand, it's looks.....lots going for this 74 year old razor.

BBS results,

XIX February MMXV Shave

Friday morning:

Feather Artist Club SS & Feather professional blades
Omega 98
Dimitri's Bergamot soap
Floid Suave & 444

I really love this soap. Lathers as easy as Martin de Cantre, offers great protection during shave, with a nice fresh scent. Top choice for aggressive razors like Feather AC SS.

Friday Morning

Unknown Synthetic (Possibly whipped dog)
Palmolive Cream
Psilver SI (2)
Merkur Future (2.5)
Lucky Tiger Aspen

Superb 2 pass shave with touch ups. BBS
Have a good day!
Friday 20th February 2015

Neutrogena Glyc Soap
Vulfix 404 mixed
La Toja Cream
Gem S/S ex USA [ 4 ]
Alum Rub/ Rise Off
Woods of Windsor A/S Balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

MMOC V Other SE [ER & Gem ]
Worked quite hard with MMOC on blade use 4, but ended up with closer shave than the 1914 also on 4. Needed both the Alum & Balm. Will go up to Blade use 5 ,think with my beard any further would get uncomfortable.
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