S.O.T.D. Saturday 10th June to Friday 16th June 2017


Brush: Stirling Finest Badger Fan
Razor: Gillette Super Adjustable
Blade: Polsilver SI (1)
Soap: Omega Via Barberia Aquae
Post: Boots Tea Tree WH, Nivea 2 Phase & Davidoff Cool Water

Dropped a boob on this shave, meant to turn the adjustable down from 6 after the first pass. I thought it was very aggressive when I was finishing up my last pass! A very nice shave, albeit too aggressive and a wee bit sore. Nothing my post shave hasn't handled, no cuts or redness. Looking forward to some Cella tomorrow and memo to me: lower setting!
View attachment 25920 SOTD 11th June

Shave away from home

Razor....Hone Type 15
Blade....Personna 74 # 14
Soap....Stirling mountain man
Brush.... Unknown synth
Post....BBA post shave balm
Scent....Molecule 01

Shave was not bad but the blade has come to the end, not bad though , 14 four pass shaves!

Hope you all have a nice day....:)
...the fabled Persona 74...14 shaves! I am guessing it is true then about their extraordinary longevity ...if only they still made them...
How do you like the Brummel? I ordered some just because of the blue colour and red that it is a classical old fashioned Spanish aftershave scent.:)

It smells a bit old fashioned, that's for sure. ;) Nothing too fancy, slightly fresh, neither boring nor flashy. My primary reason for buying it was actually the name, as it reminded me of the movie "Beau Brummell" (1954, starring Stewart Granger). Here's an old SOTD picture I made in December with this connection in mind:

Palmolive stick
Men U pure bristle brush (soon to be in the bin)
QShave Futur clone/Derby Extra + AstraSP
Real Shaving Co post shave balm
Old Spice ASL

A disappointing shave this morning.
Loaded the Futur clone with the mild Derby Extra blade to be on the safe side as it was my first shave with this razor.
Only one side of the blade was shaving properly.Took off the cap and re seated the blade, still not right.
Changed to an Astra SP, still not shaving right on one side of the blade.
I think I must have a dud QShave?
On to the Men U brush. . . It's garbage.
I've used it a few times, with creams andsoaps. It just doesn't seem to hold anylather.
First lathering is fine, go to lather for the second pass and there's no lather in thebristles.
The best part of my shave was the OldSpice!

Have a good day all
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nanny's lime, contour, superdrug contour style blade *1, 404 bodger, bond a/s, aloe gel.

what a revelation this razor is! - the pivoting head is surprising after a few years of DE shaving and the blade was smooth and sharp. i got this handle from my dad a couple of months ago as i noticed he wasn't using it :) the contour was my 1st razor back in the late 80's and i stupidly threw my handle away when i upgraded to the sensor (!) will be using this until the blade stops being sharp, so am interested to see how long it will last.
Sunday 11 June 2017


Getting Ready to Go Back Home

This month's trip is over and I am getting ready to go back home. Before leaving, as usual, it is good to shave and to do that the best possible way. This Mastro Livi RWL34 certainly is the very best way and this straight razor gave me superb and excellent shaves during this trip. The edge a RWL34 straight razor can take is something incredible in terms of shaving performance and excellence. It is not so hard to put a very good edge on a RWL34 blade and it always delivers a luxurious, super close and smooth shave. Mastro Livi RWL34 razors certainly are among my favorite ones - it is not by chance I have three of them - and they all are amazing shavers. My almond oil shaving cream and the Aqua Velva Ice Blue aftershave have been the perfect companion to this great shave. Now I am ready to pack and heading home.​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: RazorGuy Almond Oil Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Omega Bristle 10275
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi RWL34, 8/8 Full Hollow, Snake Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Sunday 11th June
Zenith 506U TS
OSP Fougère
Ever Ready Natural Angle 'HFT'
Rinse > Alum > Rinse
Electrif's Bay Rum
Lacura Body Moisturiser

All the talk about the Rocnel GEM razor provoked me to dig out a pretty cool looking vintage Ever Ready. Easier to load, and at about 20th of the price.
My shave with a new blade was clean and smooth as silk. Aided by the excellent OSP.
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