Russian Caravan Tea.


From Wikipedia, Russian Caravan is a blend of Oolong, Keemun and Lapsang Souchong teas. Although a Chinese tea, its name originates from the 18th century camel caravans that facilitated the transcontinental tea trade to Europe via Russia. "It took at least half a year to make the six-thousand-mile journey from the Chinese border to Russia, Russian Caravan has a distinctive smoky aroma caused by the Lapsang Souchong in the blend, originally intended as a natural preservative. Stoves a Samuel Heath & Son Birmingham.
with a brew on the go it was time for a steak and onion butty with home made bread Location

The everyday house blend of tea is a packet each of the above three, mixed and poured into a glass sweet jar
just thought I'd share - cheers all Danny
quattrojames said:
I've subscribed to your blog off your last couple of posts - fascinating.

Loving the Opinel too ;)

Cheers James, the Opinel's a carbon steel one - getting harder to find, but holds an edge far better than the stainless - but don't forget " because it's sharp ! and I cut stuff with it" is not enough “good reason” to have one with you, and even if it was, because it locks, to stop a fold back finger amputation, it's classed in the same category as a Flick knife ! What a load of knee jerk legislation Bollocks ! Rant over Danny
pedro083 said:
What it's the same as a flick knife illegal to buy or carry. It's is legal to carry a opinel if you can show a good reason ie. You are going hiking and are using it to prepare your lunch. Nice pics though

I'm under the impression that because it "locks" it's not accepted
can of worms I know ???
cheers Danny
Doctor Beaker said:
pedro083 said:
What it's the same as a flick knife illegal to buy or carry. It's is legal to carry a opinel if you can show a good reason ie. You are going hiking and are using it to prepare your lunch. Nice pics though

I'm under the impression that because it "locks" it's not accepted
can of worms I know ???
cheers Danny

same as a swiss army knife with a blade over 3" long or so is classed as a weapon

even though the blade dosnt lock

i cant use mine now because it its agaisnt the law when they quitely brought in the legislation 1-2 years ago (i think 2010 or so)
Doctor Beaker said:
pedro083 said:
What it's the same as a flick knife illegal to buy or carry. It's is legal to carry a opinel if you can show a good reason ie. You are going hiking and are using it to prepare your lunch. Nice pics though

I'm under the impression that because it "locks" it's not accepted
can of worms I know ???
cheers Danny

No it is accepted the law states you most have a reason for carrying a fixed blade or lock knife, not necessary for a unlocking one under 3 inch. Though most police are ignorant of what the law is regarding this. You must think about it if was illegal to carry at all how you meant to get it home another thing a lot of people don't relies is your car is a public place so don't keep a knife in the glove box as just in case I needed it is not a good enough reason to justify carrying one.
Nice ... everything really :) Location, stove, Opinel ... kettle. As it happens I inherited quite an unusual one of those:


Made by my granddad from various scrounged and pilfered bits and pieces aboard ship during the war.

As for the lock knife rant, please carry on. I'm heartily sick of the whole damn fool business, but for the record pedro has the law exactly right of course. Perhaps the confusion came about because of the activities of one over zealous official at Mount Pleasant sorting office, who made it his business to prove that every lock knife passing through was in fact a gravity knife. Like switchblades, those have been on the banned list since the 50s and are illegal to own, let alone carry. Your Opinel is perfectly all right to own, and I'd guess that any policeman you're likely to encounter on the tops above Settle is likely to take a relaxed view of you having it with you for chopping the onions. But it's a grey area and you'll have to make that judgment for yourself.
Strangely enough I was asked to sharpen a Opinel for someone a few weeks back, good thing about them not that i'm a fan but if you drop it in the water it will float, also i've only ever been a tea drinker all my life, my favourite brew which I buy from betty's tea room north Yorshire is Tippy Asam, that's the King of tea's for me.

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