Rose Cream

I am almost at the end of my tub of Truefitt & Hill Rose.My question is should i just buy another tub or should i go for another rose cream from a different company.
GFT and TOBS both do it. I've found that all 3 of them produce an excellent lather... I do notice that TOBS is significantly cheaper than T&H and that GFT gives you a bit more for your money. I think however that since it takes so long to go through a pot of cream if you have a preference for a particular brand buy it, otherwise get the cheapest.

I've just bought a tub of Vulfix limes to replace the T&H limes I've just finished, if I'm happy with it then I'll stick with Vulfix to save money, otherwise I'll try another brand and if all else fails be back with T&H.
You can get a pot of TOBS Rose cream from Barberblades on eBay for £8 delivered. It is listed for £9 but its a Buy It Now or Best Offer and my bid of £8 was accepted. That was about over a month ago however. Only one I've tried due to cost.
I tried EShave floral and like it, nice rose smell, but does not linger long after the shave. There seems to be only natural stuff in it too!
I emailed EShave and asked for sample , it got to me in 2 days Im in states so I am sure it will take at least a week. They are very accommodating.
I really like Vulfix English Rose - chunky and well made, even though some think it's to strong smell wise, I like it a lot and my pot is getting low and I'm actually thinking of replacing it (despite the fact I've got a zillion other creams and soaps).
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