Roo strop gauging interest

By the way gents, I have just had a thought. I may make a slight change to the price.

As you all know, I am raising money for the charity entitled "the stroke association", and it would be nice if we could get some money together from this ( I am only 5% towards my £1000 goal).

If I said add £3 onto the prices that would go to charity, how would you all feel about that?

Royal Mail will double what I raise so it's worth a lot more.

Is anyone opposed?

I am very tempted to get a strop and razor some time. But do people think that this strop would be too good for a beginner?? I.e. is it best to start off with a £10 jobber from ebay? Would this strop for any reason be more difficult to start on???

Thanks chaps.

Matt, don't start with a decent strop. Everyone, absolutely everyone will admit to nicking their strops when they start using a straight. So the cheaper end is best - it doesn't have to be rubbish - just don't pay say more than £25.
Matt, don't start with a decent strop. Everyone, absolutely everyone will admit to nicking their strops when they start using a straight. So the cheaper end is best - it doesn't have to be rubbish - just don't pay say more than £25.

Figured as much! Thanks Rob
Hi Matt.

This is probably more for the advanced user, just because it's more of an exotic material.

If you have one, I'll throw in an old Dovo one for you to practice on.

Mine turned up today too.
Has a lovely draw to it and rolls up to fit in my palm. Great travel strop.
upload_2015-11-4_22-14-52.png has arrived! It is identical to Brave Blades so I won't post a picture - but the lovely red roan colour is much better in real life. The leather is quite thin and extremely flexible so rolls up - not like any other strop I've got but very appealing. The draw has a lovely audible feedback to it. Brass fittings and workmanship by OSP are first class. Thanks again top forum project.
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