Revisit Cartridge from SE/DE - Emergency Only !


Kent UK
Having given up on Cartridge Shaving in late 2013, due to soreness/irritation. i havechanged to using a DE Razor, and more latterly to a Single Edge razor. Needless to sayadapting to a Single Edge meant that my shaving skills improved, and i get high quality shave Daily, with no irritation etc.

However,when travelling abroad it is not possible to take conventional Blades in Hand luggage, so i decided i must have a back up razor [ Emergency, if Luggage was lost].Decided ,that best not to go too Multi Bladed. Did part shave with Guard, not good for me.Brought a Feather F 11 [two blade ] -shaved cheeks, seemed OK.

Today with nothing special on, decided to do Full Shave. Prepped as usual,really good lather. Took care, did not rush - in fact the razor did not seem to like a decent Lather.Initially had razor on Floating Mode, then changed to Fixed Head, and performance was better.

When i called it a Day, as face feeling sore - taking same time as when using SE razor,the resultant shave was mediocre, and certainly not as pleasant or as good as that achieved by my worst performing SE Razor.

Well, I may pack a Cart Razor in my Hand Luggage, but i will not be in a hurry to use it
Gillette Two blade Sensor always works well for me as a temporary expedient for holidays or hospital stays. My Streamline is too prized to be leaving home these days !

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/.
The Gillette Guard is my default travel razor, which is impossible to cut yourself with, press hard, it doesn't irritate. I take a brushless gel with me, the one from Bulldog. With this kit, I can get a shave without all the paraphernalia and get on with the reason I've gone travelling ...

I also like the Gillette Trac-II but any withOUT the lube strip, which I absolutely abhor. I get on perfectly well with these and good lather made from soap, so I guess their disposable counterpart, the Gillette Blue II would play out fine, too.

Already mentioned, the Bic 1 Sensitive is a good razor, not too close.
I don't get as close a shave with a disposable as I would with a prized safety razor... but I would not expect to. I quickly learned not to chase a 'BBS'. Two light passes following the grain end up with an acceptable and comfortable shave - whether it's a Bic disposable or a Fusion ProGlide.
I agree with all the points about the Guard and the Blue II disposables are excellent too - very smooth and sharp - and widely available. Can be expensive but you can usually pick them up in 5 or even 8 packs in pound shops. I find I can get three good shaves from one
I just recently had a trip to India and took a fusion pro glide for 2 weeks.

I must say I got some fantastic shaves from it.

My prep was done properly with a brush and good cream which lead to BBS shaves quickly and easily.

I went once with the grain and once across the grain and with a few touch ups I got some of the best shaves I have ever had. 2 weeks later and shaving every day, the cart is still sharp too.
Re: RE: Revisit Cartridge from SE/DE - Emergency Only !

Dipesh said:
I just recently had a trip to India and took a fusion pro glide for 2 weeks.

I must say I got some fantastic shaves from it.

My prep was done properly with a brush and good cream which lead to BBS shaves quickly and easily.

I went once with the grain and once across the grain and with a few touch ups I got some of the best shaves I have ever had. 2 weeks later and shaving every day, the cart is still sharp too.

Mate, hpw many shaves did a blade give you? Did you find the water VERY hard over there?
It must have at least 20 shaves under its belt now. Still more to go I'd say too. That's also around 5ish head shaves too.

The water hardness depended on where I was. In Ahmedabad I didn't notice difference to leicester water. Porbandar and especially Goa it was really soft. Goa the lather was instant and also hard to wash off.
JohnnyO said:
Gillette Two blade Sensor always works well for me as a temporary expedient for holidays or hospital stays. My Streamline is too prized to be leaving home these days !

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/.

I too like the Sensor and recently discovered that the Tesco own brand three blade cartridge fits the sensor,and at £3.30 for ten is a better option that the Gillette branded ones.

Dipesh said:
I just recently had a trip to India and took a fusion pro glide for 2 weeks.

I must say I got some fantastic shaves from it.

My prep was done properly with a brush and good cream which lead to BBS shaves quickly and easily.

I went once with the grain and once across the grain and with a few touch ups I got some of the best shaves I have ever had. 2 weeks later and shaving every day, the cart is still sharp too.

Agreed. Used one of these for the first time recently and they're astounding. An idiot-proof BBS and irritation free shave. And this is with an extremely thick beard.

If you've used a Fusion before the Proglide is really a step up. It doesn't clog for love nor money.

ATM, Superdrug have the Powerball 1/2 price and Tesco may still be doing 1/2 on the Proglide.
The flexball is not really a ball at all, more like flat orb that has a arch movement up and down, nothing like a Dyson ball some compares it to.

You can use your hand to get the same angle. I think this is why they don't charge more compare to the regular Fusion as even they (p&g) knows it's a gimmick. Very good shaver never the less.
Of course it's a gimmick - it screams of the most basic of marketing principles of how to stretch a product: take an established product that is running out of legs and merge it with another established product from another field. Keeps it "fresh". Beats leap-frogging Wilkinson Sword over blade count.

As for the shave, well, the format is established and a known-good close shave, peddled since the Mach3 into more and more "techno" carriers.
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