Recommendations for a 'sensitive' shave cream - I love TOBS but it hates me!

Sunny Isle of Wight
Hi folks,

I love my TOBS Luxury Cream, I really do. It lathers like a volcano and love the consistency of it. However have very dodgy and dry skin and ecxema some of the time and I have found that if I do the luxury prep, which I really like, I am massivelt irritated afterwards. If I do a quick one pass shave it's fine but there's obviously something in it my skin don't like. Shame, I love this stuff.

I also have the Proraso white, which is sensitive, which isn't up to the TOBS standard but doesn't irritate me.

Basically can I please have some recommendations for sensitive creams, preferably in a pot which I prefer. Then I will have to swopsy my TOBS Luxury Shaving Cream away *wipes tear away*

Bloody skin!
Don't face lather, get a cleanser/toner.

What I mean by that is that if you have dodgy skin face lathering could aggravate the condition and soap isn't good for skin period. For the first time ever I'd say try using a shaving oil if you haven't already either alone or beneath the lather, that should give the skin some protection at least.
A piece of advice use less of the TOBS. Reason being some TOBS varieties do give me skin issues such as a heated or itchy surface which then progresses to bumps. I worked through all my prep and post and eventually concluded it was the concentration of TOBS to water. Face lathering as mentioned above probably isn't the best idea, instead use a penny size amount of cream and lather with water. Try a small test area just to make sure but this helped my issues with some TOBS creams.
TOBS is far and away the worst for irritating my skin but all the regular creams - Trumpers, Harris, de dah - irritate as well after a second day's usage. The cheap creams and the very expensive ones do not irritate at all, as with all the hard soaps.

The problem, then, seems to be the quanity of perfume applied to the skin via the lather.
My recommendation would be for GFT Coconut shaving cream. One of the most protective & hydrating product I have ever tried, and much better IMHO than the rest of GFT range creams.

If the Proraso works for you, have you tried their pre shave cream.

Also Village Barber oil and balm are superb.
The oil works fantastically as a pre shave oil under lather when using a straight.

A great cream to try is La Toja sensitive.
I would suggest GFT Almond or Coconut Oil, or Proraso Blue (Vitamin E and Aloe from memory). My dad uses the latter - has very sensitive skin - gets good results.
Nancy Boy 'Replenishing' or 'Signature' are worth a try. My face is fairly intolerant to a lot of creams but the Nancy Boy creams have never given me a problem. To date, they're the only creams I've repurchased when I've used them up. Join club Nancy Boy and you get a discount too (they're based in San Francisco but they ship to the UK).
You might want to check out a new outfit called Urbane Male. Their cream got a good write up on the Manface Grooming Blog, who tested it and had no trouble with his sensitive skin.
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