Prat of the year?

Bechet45 said:
Another conclusion might be that he doesn't give a shit about the medal - he knows he's worth it. Another that he did it to give someone the finger. I think he was just enjoying himself, he won so easily - meaning, by a long way.

Clearly he's not a prat and you not knowing or understanding his reasons doesn't make him one. He was in a groove, man, as you detractors clearly are not!

Has anyone seen an interview in which he explains his action?
Bet he keeps his vest on during the !500 m race, that he is competing in this weekend.
He was very contrite before and after his 1500m heat. Looked tearful. He cared all right. Knows he'd been a prat. Doubt he will do it again.

Unless he's related to Louis Suarez. How did I forget about him?
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