Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet Shaving Cream

Saturday February 1, 2014
Another one done:

The sample pot wasn't massive so I assumed I'd only be able to squeeze three or four shaves out of it, but there was more than I thought and because so little cream was required it went a long way.

It was easy to lather, even using a small amount of cream. It's not the most expensive out there, but isn't cheap either. The fact that you could stretch it so far suggests it's better value than a ml comparison would reveal.

Slickness was okay, protection wasn't always top notch though. It wasn't bad when it came to performance and I certainly got some good shaves, but these were balanced with a few average ones. So overall it came out as a bit middling. Some of that could come down to the amount of cream I used.

The thing you paying for is the scent though, which is what Penhaligon's is famous for. I picked Blenheim Bouquet as it's a classic. Introduced in 1902 and supposedly worn by Sir Winston Churchill, it's been around a while.

I found it quite chalky and it stuck to the back of my throat like a powder. While its insistence is initially quite refreshing and enlivening, I found I tired of it quite quickly and it became a little irritating. So not everyone's cup of tea. If you like scent-packed products then their creams won't disappoint.

As a shaving product it's pretty good and I wasn't disappointed with the performance. If you're buying it for the scent I'd recommend trying to get a sample before you dive in though.

Full review here.
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