Passionate soapmaker

Hello Gentlemen,

This looks like a very good forum! I'm hoping to learn much more about the wet shaving tradition here, and apply the knowledge to the making of some fine soap. I've been making soap for years but never thought of taking it in this direction until recently, as I'm learning more about certain ingredients that lend themselves to the purpose more readily. As well, I'm obsessed with making the perfect cream soap.
Welcome, they'll be plenty of willing guinea pigs to help you along should you need to test any samples.

If it turns out to be horse plop they'll only be one willing taker.
Hi and welcome, as already said, loads of guinea pigs here. I've recently had a dabble at making my own shaving soap, just messing about really but I like to have a go at doing things myself. Good luck with everything.
As long as you seek and accept constructive criticism, you'll be just fine here.

And you might make a few bob.

Which is nice.
Thanks, everyone- I would love to invite some guinea pigs to partake when the time comes, and I am more than willing to accept the most direct criticism possible. Being nice and saying its all great won't help me at all, which tends to happen among friends and family. This is quite the rabbit hole, and the more I research the more questions arise- requiring more research of course...

Now to get scouring the threads...
I like the sound of an obsessive soap perfectionist.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I have no idea how to make to shaving soap, but, I have some experience of bad ones, and thankfully some recent experience of good ones.
Well, first off, I've come to the wisdom in a very short time that there is NO such thing as the "perfect" soap... Instead there are several depending on who you ask. Palm or tallow, that is a rabbit hole itself... Personally I love tallow in soap, if only it didn't come from an animal! The pursuit of lather is my key obsession with soap in general, the rest of it is just details. I love bubbles!
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