Pass the Butter

Well, duh! Across 2.5M years of human existence, we'd have to be a pretty dumb species to evolve eating only things that were inherently bad for us. Low fat, low cholesterol, meddling with food has only really been around for the last 50 years ... before that, what choice was there? Heck! It was only a handful of years ago that "cholesterol" was reclassified as "good" and "bad" types ...

Err on the side of eating as little processed food as possible. Wash off the chemicals, but do actively imbibe any soiliness left on truly organic veg. Soil is good. Outdoor reared animals and wild fish. Sadly, with the knee-jerk away from intensively reared animals, the slide across to fish has had exactly that self-same knock-on effect: farmed fish. Wild is getting harder to find.

Fat is our friend. Cholesterol is our friend. We evolved to eat that way ... and our big brains are no doubt a result of that.
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