Parat / 54A

Looking on Mr Razor's site it struck me that the Parat and 54A Rocket look to be identical other than the fact that the 54A has 'Made in England' stamped on it.



Can anyone confirm if this is actually the case at all or are there other differences which are not evident in the photos?
Same razor, (excpet for the "made in") just called Parat when sold in Germany in the red TV superspeed style case, 54A when sold in Britain in an HD500 style case.

I say HD500 style case, as it's reported that the notch where the handle goes is a little bit slimmer so that a HD500 wouldn't fit in a 54A case.

That's my understanding.
The same razor was also sold as one of the three Aristocrat Jr variants.

Parats were made in Germany but don't say so (i.e. they don't anything about where they were made.)
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