PAL Adjustable on Steroids

Rebublic of Scotland
PAL Adjustable...:p

Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
PAL Adjustable
Feather Pro Injector Blade ( Modified ) New
Semogue Boar Brush
Erasmic Shaving Cream (added Argan oil)
Organic Aloe Vera Gel
HATTRIC Aftershave Splash (From Germany)

I had a shave today with a Feather Pro Blade for the first time in my PAL Adjustable ...I was a bit apprehensive at first cause this is quite an aggressive injector so I used it on the middle setting for the first 2 passes....I was surprised at how forgiving the Pro blade was in this injector compared to the G Type on this setting...Anybody that has used this adjustable will know how subtle the angle is and this actually helps somewhat with a crazy sharp blade as you cant go too steep with it...I turned up the volume to the 3 quarter setting for my final pass and here was a different story as the Pro blade suddenly became more wicked but with a light touch there was no problem as long as I was on my toes so to speak...Going for 3 passes on the 3 quarter setting as usual with a Chick blade would be too much with this combo...I ended up with a Fantastic all over BBS result and my skin is as smooth as silk...I like the particular smooth - smooth finish the Pro blade achieves ... Not even a hint of any irritation ....I am again impressed with these blades and I am happy that I lived to tell a bloodless & or nick free tale as these blades are crazy sharp and this is an awesome injector blade combo on Steroids ...SMOOTH & SMOOTH Folks...;)

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