Office Outlook 2007 Win7 64bit Address Book

Poof! and there it wasn't anymore - contact list is empty.

The .pst files have acquired today's date. When I try to re-import them, I'm told that the .pst file is "already open in this profile" (I have no idea which profile is open, nor how to change it).

Any clues as to how I can get my Address Book functioning again?

The Google suggestions have not worked so far.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Bechet45 said:
Yes, that's the one, Erik - mine looks exactly like that.
So just to clarify, nothing has changed since before, you just switched the pc on and your contacts where gone?

No new software or anything installed recently? Windows updates?
Nothing changed that I'm aware of - but clearly something has.

I've got as far as scanpst.exe in Office, which repaired some faults but my Address Book is still empty - Outlook Address Book, that is. Wrong gum tree?
If you click here, do your contacts appear?

Should look similar to this.

I'm pretty sure Outlook 2007 keeps everyone as "Contacts" by default. It's normal to have an empty "Outlook Address Book" unless you imported from the old Outlook-Express.
Yes, all sorts of contacts appear there - but they include many, many old ones, long since deleted from my email Address Book.

The missing list is the one that used to appear when I clicked the Address Book icon on the email page - just to the left of 'Search Address Book'.

I suspect the .pst file I've been working on is the one you have guided me to.

And as inexplicably as they disappeared, they have re-appeared! I haven't the foggiest what has happened but I gratefully accept this gift from the Computer Gods, who, as we well know from experience, work in mysterious ways when they so choose.

Now I can email people other than those who contact me first!

Thanks for your help, Erik - I guess in clicking around I've un-clicked that which I mistakenly clicked before. Or something!

I came down this morning to find cat Geetan had knocked the kettle off the worktop and into two pairs of shoes - one of each pair. Then Kumari emptied her breakfast onto the dining room carpet and cat tree. I was feeling hard done to - but with my Address Book back, the day is good again!
Bechet45 said:
I haven't the foggiest what has happened but I gratefully accept this gift from the Computer Gods, who, as we well know from experience, work in mysterious ways when they so choose.

Welcome to the OS wars. My God is less vengeful than yours, said the Linux user.
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