Newbie here

Essex, UK

After many years of having a short beard a change in jobs means I need to be clean shaven. I never could get on with electric razors so I have just started wet shaving again.

I am currently using a Gillette Fusion but the cost of the blades is ridiculous so I have just bought my first de razor.

I have ordered a merkur future, which I now realise are not recommended for beginners, oh well, I'll see how it goes. I have bought some soap and balm and a new brush as well, along with a selection of blades. Just waiting for it all to turn up now. Wish me luck.
Welcome to TSR rom an early riser.

I had a short beard from the age of 18 to 28. When I shaved it off, my boss said it would be a good idea to keep it off. He said, daft though it may seem, some people just don't like men in beards and it's not worth losing a job at an interview because someone might just tip the balance against you. Life has changed since, but you never know!

Enjoy your stuff when it comes. And if you want any advice, you are in the right place. Just ask away and/or let us know how you are getting on.
Welcome to TSR....The Futur is a very good razor....I love mine for the smooth close shaves I get with it...mine's set more or less permanently at two and a half these days,and gives a Good close BBS shave at that setting...using a Gillette Sharpedge (Yellow) blade..

A Friendly word of caution....don't adjust it with a blade in...either grip the head in a towel or take the blade out...You'll see what I mean when you get it........Nothing to be scared of...its just common sense....And I don't see ant reason why it shouldn't be a first razor....Bought one for my Son at Christmas and he loves it..........ENJOY
Don't worry about the "wrong choice" in DE razor... I'm a newbie, too, and already have two razors - just so I can try out different blades, you understand. And, in case nobody else says it, one of the best things you can do is to order a sample pack of blades from Connaught shaving.
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