New update for model T.

Thursday October 20, 2016
Dear Backers,

It's been a very productive month since our last update! As you may remember from the last update, I was meeting with our manufacturer to review the razors that were assembled using the updated fixtures in early August. From that assembly, we learned that the parts were dimensionally within tolerance over 98% of the time (a 2% reject rate for a project of this complexity is fantastic. However, we discovered that fractions of millimeters of “wiggle room” within the fixtures were causing compounding assembly problems around the T-Bar and the Top Doors. Put simply, this was resulting in a minutely bent razor blade in a small fraction of assembled razors, which unfortunately still put us outside an acceptable reject rate for mass production, completed products.

That being said, we're actually coming to backers today with good news! Since that early August assembly, we've update the fixtures one final time to fit the head pieces and the rod as snugly as possible during critical stamping procedures in assembly (which has been made possible only recently with the further improved tolerances of the T-Bar component). Pictures of the updated fixtures are below:


And finally the good news: the test production at the end of August (basically a “retry” of the early August assembly except with updated fixtures) has been our first success, meaning we're proceeding with the full production as outlined in the last update! The only thing (that's) changed is that we're now expecting the first 1000 razors to ship approximately 4-5 weeks from today, with the following razors following closely behind (still on the end-of-November schedule that we mentioned in the last update). That means all Indiegogo backers should expect to receive their Model T tracking number close to the end of November.

It's been quite a rollercoaster month for us, and we couldn't be more thrilled to be in the home stretch of bringing this incredibly exciting innovation to market. We hope everyone is as excited to be amongst the first people in the world to try a Model T as we are to begin shipping! Thank you again for continuing have our back, and please reach out to us at if you have any questions about production before the next update in late September / early October (unless you get a tracking link before then!)
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