New Superdrug aftershave - sierran breeze

Dipesh said:
Hi all,

I went into town today for the first time in the long time and popped into Superdrug to get a drink.

While I was there I had a quick browse at the shaving stuff and noticed a new AS!

If you like modern aquatic scents (very much along the same lines as Old Spice whitewater), at £2.50 this is worth a go.

I think it smells lovely!

If your about, pop by and give it a sniff. I'm dead chuffed with a £2.50 bargain :)


Thanks for the head's up. I've got both the Forest Fresh and the Sierran Breeze. The Forest Fresh is a Brut style fougere, while the Sierran Breeze, as you said, is a modern aquatic. Both are good for the money. While since I've used either, but if memory serves me correctly the Forrest Fresh goes on pretty strong and hangs around for longer than expected. I'll try the Sierran Breeze tomorrow evening and report back on staying power.

I too have picked up a bottle of the Sierran today. I have to say it smells really good. Its lovely and fresh, lets see how it feels after a shave though.

If nothing else it can be used on torso/back of neck. For £2.50 I really dont have the highest expectation, but this certainly smell a lot more expensive than it is. :icon_razz:
UKRob said:
According to my wife - there is another classification for men - Eau de Cologne which sits above EdT in terms of strength. Eau de Parfum appears to be limited to women's fragrances in my experience.

I've used 4711 EdC as an aftershave and it does not sting any more than other aftershaves so I guess the real differences are within the brands as opposed to the categories.

next recently did a series of EdPs for men - i bought them but haven't used then yet. will report back in the future when i've tried them
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