New de shaver from chesterfield

Thank you for all your kind words will be doing some practice lather and will start by one pass with pick ups so im not sore after dont want to leave my face in the sink lol is all im expecting for the time being is a good shave to start with.

My advice on avoiding skin irritation and weepers:

1) Mind how much pressure you apply on your skin with that mild razor. You want zero pressure, don't let the mildness trick you.
2) Don't buff over the same area more than 2-3 times. That's why you do 3 passes.
3) Make sure your lather is glistening and well hydrated. Moisture engorged whiskers cut easier. Unlike the creams, Proraso soap is on the thirsty side, don't be afraid to add water to your lather. That soap will last you a long time, so don't worry on wasting some to practice making lather. Enjoy the earthy sandalwood smell.

Just got my shaving gear this morning had a go at a practice lather went very well had my first proper de shave since I was 20 and it went very well had to keep telling myself no pressure did 2 passes got a very good shave still got some stubble on my neck but dont want to push it had 3 little nicks the smell off the proraso red soap is amazing got a sample pack off blades on order too will post pics when I figure out how to do it Thanks for the advice its brilliant
Welcome to TSR @buster47

Any advice? Mmmm if you get any irritation then don't think the next razor will solve the problem. Provided you are not starting with an aggressive razor then you can experiment with blades to find the razor / blade combination that suits you and the rest is technique and letting your skin get used to shaving with a blade. Learning to build a good lather is also part of the technique to get a good shave.

Enjoy it
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